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One of the biggest challenges for distributors, especially in emerging markets, is making the most of their working capital. High operational and administrative costs, low operating margins, and the need to extend retail credit block a significant chunk of working capital and hinder growth. To maximize their working capital effectiveness, distributors need to know:

  • How they can improve the productivity of their sales representatives

  • How they can cover more retail outlets without additional workforce

  • How they can optimize operations with minimal investment

  • How they can improve inventory efficiency

Knowing the answers to these can help distributors drive better return on their investments.

Barriers to growth and profitability

Multiple billing systems

For multi-brand distributors, the need to use brand-specific DMS requires multiple operators, increasing cost and hindering productivity as well as creating data silos.

Limited retail outlet coverage

Sales reps can cover a finite number of stores in each shift. Increasing store coverage directly translates into hiring more people.

Operational overheads

Alongside multiple billing systems, brand-specific retail execution calls for investment in additional devices, thereby increasing costs. Lack of advanced visibility to orders often leads to overtime payments to warehouse personnel.

Multiple billing systems

For multi-brand distributors, the need to use brand-specific DMS requires multiple operators, increasing cost and hindering productivity as well as creating data silos.

Limited retail outlet coverage

Sales reps can cover a finite number of stores in each shift. Increasing store coverage directly translates into hiring more people.

Operational overheads

Alongside multiple billing systems, brand-specific retail execution calls for investment in additional devices, thereby increasing costs. Lack of advanced visibility to orders often leads to overtime payments to warehouse personnel.

Get the most from your working capital with TradeEdge

TradeEdge is an intelligent supply chain management platform that enables distributors to optimize operations and maximize profitability. With this multi-tenanted, cloud-based, highly configurable platform requiring minimal technology investment, you can:

Manage multi-brand catalogs on a single app

and get a consolidated view of P&L and product/customer-wise profitability

Maximize sales rep productivity and strike rate

with suggested ordering

Improve retail outlet coverage and expand market reach

with the self-service mobile ordering app

Reduce cost-to-serve

by driving delivery efficiency with dynamic route planning

Release working capital

with better visibility of inventory obsolescence

Grow smarter with TradeEdge

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