Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is an ethically driven business process committed to values, aimed at enhancing the organization’s brand image and reputation. This is ensured by taking ethical business decisions and conducting the activity with a firm commitment to values while meeting stakeholders’ expectations.

At EdgeVerve, the Board of Directors ensure that accountability, fairness and transparency underpins the company’s relationship with stakeholders like clients, shareholders, employees, management, government, and the community as a whole. Good corporate governance implies a commitment to values and ethical business conduct, contributes to sustainable economic development, and ensures continuity.

Our directors believe that sound corporate governance is a prerequisite to enhance and retain stakeholders’ trust. This also implies that the company has complied with all norms of corporate governance applicable to public limited companies as envisaged under the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder.


Corporate Documents

Financial Statements

General meetings

Annual Reports

FY Notice of General meetings Annual report Annual return Transcript CSR annual action plan Impact Assessment report
2024-25 Annual General Meeting CSR Annual Plan
2023-24 Annual General Meeting Annual report Annual return CSR annual action plan Impact Assessment report
2022-23 Annual General Meeting Annual Report EV-MGT-7-FY2022-23 9th-AGM-Transcript CSR Annual Plan Department of Archaeology
2021-22 Annual General Meeting Annual Report Annual return Transcript CSR Annual Plan
2020-21 Annual General Meeting Annual Report Annual return Transcript
2019-20 Annual General Meeting Annual Report Annual return Transcript
2018-19 Annual General Meeting Annual Report
2017-18 Annual General Meeting
Extra-ordinary General Meeting
Annual Report
2016-17 Annual General Meeting
Extra-ordinary General Meeting
Annual Report
2015-16 Annual General Meeting
Extra-ordinary General Meeting
Annual Report
2014-15 Annual General Meeting
Extra-ordinary General Meeting
Extra-ordinary General Meeting
Annual Report