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How Document AI helps enterprises in data extraction and end-to-end document processing

August 2, 2022


The sheer volume of daily documentation due to large volumes of unstructured data can delay the timely extraction of purposeful and relevant information. Also, mere extraction of massive data sets means nothing to users unless they are optimally analyzed and processed for further usage. In order for businesses to unlock value from documents, companies need intelligent automated solutions. Document AI can quickly fill the gaping need and proliferate meaningful data extraction efforts, regardless of format complexities.

Understanding Intelligent Document Processing

AI document processing can intelligently extract and convert unstructured and semi-structured data into meaningful and consumable information. Structured and usable insights power end-to-end automation for document-centric business processes. With the help of Document AI, businesses can leverage those valuable inputs to make data-driven decisions and scale their growth 8-10 times faster than the global economy.1

What is Document AI?

Document AI is powered by AI, ML, and NLP capabilities that train computers to simulate human understanding and reviewing documents without direct intervention. This automated data extraction tool is integrated into a scalable cloud-based platform to help organizations scan, analyze, understand documents and extract granular insights effortlessly. It is an ideal solution, especially for enterprises handling millions of records of varying formats and processing 129 billion business emails daily.2 Document AI takes humans out of the loop and works independently while employees can focus on more value-added roles. Key enterprise document extraction challenges and how Document AI solves them
Data-intensive enterprise landscapes bombarded with document type and format variations exhibit solid challenges for data extractors. Then, presenting the same output in a consumable format increases the complexity of the colossal task. The following are the common challenges often faced by enterprises when processing documents for data extraction:

EdgeVerve’s Document AI solution, XtractEdge Platform, effectively unlocks business value faster than human hands by optimizing the document extraction, processing, and comprehension pipeline. By automating the whole process, the solution not only curbs human error and associated losses but also saves enterprises time, effort, and budget. The latter can optimally utilize their in-house resources for their expertise by relieving them of repetitive and recurring workflows.

The four stages of Document AI:

Key benefits of Document AI for enterprises

Document AI takes the complexity out of business data clusters shared in varied formats and types with an automated data extraction approach. The following are key benefits of Document AI:

Solutions like Document AI are the burning need of the hour, especially when enterprises need data to formulate game-changing decisions to keep their businesses afloat in the competition. By providing a one-stop-technology solution, Document AI can unlock unlimited possibilities by effectively scaling up and processing millions of documents across the length and breadth of your enterprise. Moreover, it expertly handles the document complexities and quantities without leaving any error trail or omitting critical data from the sources.

Possibilities Unlimited

Possibilities Unlimited

Inspiring enterprises with the power of digital platforms

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