EdgeVerve named a Leader in Everest Group’s Digital Interaction Intelligence Products PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024

EdgeVerve named a Leader in Everest Group’s Digital Interaction Intelligence Products PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024


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Key strengths of AssistEdge Discover that contribute to EdgeVerve’s Leadership position

EdgeVerve has been positioned as a leading provider with the largest share of DII software revenue across the key industry verticals. The report also highlights the key strengths of EdgeVerve’s DII offering, AssistEdge Discover, a generative AI-enabled platform for process discovery and intelligence.

Can be integrated with process mining, RPA, and AI technologies to optimize processes, convert insights into actions, and boost productivity, thereby maximizing the value of the digital transformation initiatives.

Offers a built-in DOM-/COM-based and computer vision-based recorder to capture user activities performed across multiple desktops through indexing.

Allows various parameters for automation opportunity identification such as automation feasibility, value scores, and potential time and cost savings.

Offers Out-of-the-box (OOTB) dashboards for workforce intelligence and application-level insights such as response time of each application, average cases handled, active/inactive and total hours per agent, user day-wise activity, and day-wise analysis.

Enables process discovery by generating an aggregated view of the process, using AI to uncover hidden sequences in captured data, and supports both supervised and unsupervised learning for the classification of tasks.

AssistEdge Academy offers online training, self-paced courses, free training modules, role-based training, and online certification courses within its training portal.

About the report

The Digital Interaction Intelligence Products PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024 evaluated 19 leading DII technology providers across various dimensions based on market impact, vision, and capability. The report also includes a competitive landscape, market share analysis, technology providers’ key strengths and limitations, and insights into DII advances.

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Learn more about EdgeVerve’s DII offering, AssistEdge Discover, by reading a copy of Everest Group’s Digital Interaction Intelligence Products PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024.

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