The mentioned software is bundled during software delivery; the license terms and terms of use are governed by the Software agreement signed between parties.
Software Name: | Infosys Nia | Contracts Analysis |
Software Version | 3.3.0 (GA Version) |
Components | Version | License Terms |
Infosys Nia Contracts Analysis | 3.3.0 | Infosys Proprietary, please refer to terms on Infosys Software Agreement. |
The following is the list of FOSS components along with their license name with version which are packaged in the product.
All third-party components are copyrighted by their respective authors. Third party components licensed under open source licenses which may be linked to, interacted with, or used in connection with our software, are listed below. The Open Source Components included in our software are done so pursuant to each individual open source component license and subject to the disclaimers and limitations on liability set forth in each open source component license (as described below). The following Open Source Components’ licensing obligations and/or notices are provided for your informational purposes in connection with our software.
Software | Server | Version | Remarks |
RHEL | All | 8.x | OS |
Open JDK | All | 8 | JAVA |
Abbyy FineReader SDK/Engine 12 for Linux | Vision Server | 12 | Abby for OCR |
Python | Web+Application Server, NLP Server, and Vision Server | 3.6 | Python language |
PyPI | Web+Application Server, NLP Server, and Vision Server | 1.3.2 | A python library(pypiserver) |
RHEL Container Tools module* (Podman) | Web+Application Server, NLP Server, and Vision Server | 2.1.1 | A tool to run containers |
RHEL Container Tools module* (Buildah) | Web+Application Server, NLP Server, and Vision Server | 1.16.4 | A tool to run containers |
PostgreSQL Database** | Data Server 1 and Data Server 2 | 11.10 | Database |
MinIO | Data Server 2 | RELEASE.2020-01-03T19-12-21Z | File storage application |
Elasticsearch** | Data server 3 | 7.11 | Search database |
Redis | Data Server 2 | 6.0.8 | Queuing/In-memory database |
Nginx | Web+Application Server | 1.14.1 | Reverse proxy |
Docker | Web+Application Server, NLP Server, and Vision Server | 19.03.8 or higher | A tool to run containers |
Kibana | Data server 3 | 7.11 | A tool for viewing CA reports |
OPA | Web+Application Server | 0.29.4 | Open Policy Agent (For Authorization) |
Postgres DB (Optional : If DB is Oracle) | 11.10 | /linux/redhat/ | |
CUDA | 10.2.89 | ||
nvidia-container-toolkit | 2.5.0 | ||
RabbitMQ (container image preferred) | 3.8.9 | Mozilla Public License | |
Podman (RHEL container tools) | 2.2.1 or higher |
![]() |
Note: Either Docker or Podman (RHEL Container Tools) needs to be installed. Podman is recommended on RHEL8.2 Operating System. |
** We also ship free and open source versions of Postgres and Elasticsearch, but it is recommended to use the enterprise version as it is more secure.
The mentioned software are pre-requisites for Infosys Nia CA; the customer is expected to provide the same. It will be installed on docker base image and not on host machine.
Below is the list of images which get downloaded using automated scripts:
The below mentioned software are also pre-requisites for software setup, and the customer is expected to provide the same. To make this process faster we are providing scripts to automate the download and setup. The machine where you run these scripts need to have internet connectivity. It will build a base image using the below on docker OS. Please check the components and licenses.
Componenet Name | Version | License names |
3b1b/manim | v0.1.5 | MIT License |
absl-py | 0.11.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
alembic | 1.4.2 | MIT License |
aniso8601 | 8.0.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
ASN.1 library for Python | v0.2.8 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
ASN.1 library for Python | 0.4.8 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
attrs | 20.3.0 | MIT License |
Automat | 20.2.0 | MIT License |
bernii/querystring-parser | 1.2.4 | MIT License |
build-essential | 12.4ubuntu1 | GPL |
ca-certificates | 20210119~18.04.1 | MPL-2.0 |
cachetools | 4.2.1 | MIT License |
cffi | 1.14.5 | MIT License |
chardet | 4.0.0 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
Click – Python Command Line Utility | 7.1.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
client_python | v0.8.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
cloudpickle | v1.5.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
cmake | 3.10.2-1ubuntu2.18.04.1 | Apache 2.0 |
coco-api | – | /cocoapi/blob/master/license.txt |
constantly | 15.1.0 | MIT License |
curl | 7.58.0-2ubuntu3.12 | BSD-3-Clause |
curl | 7.58.0-2ubuntu3.13 | BSD-3-Clause |
databricks-cli | 0.11.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
docker | 4.1.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
entrypoints | 0.3 | MIT License |
enum-compat | 0.0.3 | MIT License |
ffmpeg | 7:3.4.8-0ubuntu0.2 | BSD-3-clause |
Flask | 1.1.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Flask-Cors | 3.0.9 | MIT License |
flask-restplus | 0.13.0 | MIT License |
g++ | 4:7.4.0-1ubuntu2.3 | GPL |
gast | 0.3.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
gcc-6 | 6.5.0-2ubuntu1~18.04 | GPL-3 |
gitdb | 4.0.5 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
GitPython | 3.1.7 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
google-auth | 1.26.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
google-auth-oauthlib | 0.4.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
google-pasta | 0.2.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
gorilla | 0.3.0 | MIT License |
grpcio | 1.32.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
grpcio-tools | 1.28.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Gunicorn | 20.0.4 | MIT License |
hyperlink | 20.0.1 | MIT License |
idan/oauthlib | v3.1.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
idna | 2.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
importlib-metadata | 3.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
incremental | 16.10.1 | MIT License |
itsdangerous | 1.1.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Jinja | 2.11.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
kenlm | master | GPL |
Keras-Preprocessing | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
kubernetes python client | v7.0.0a1 | Apache License 2.0 |
libboost-all-dev | | Unknown |
libboost-all-dev | | Boost Software License – Version 1.0 |
libgdal-dev | 2.2.3+dfsg-2 | Apache-2.0 |
libgdiplus | 4.2-2 | Unknown |
libgdiplus | 4.2-2 | Mozilla Public License 1.1 |
libglib2.0 | 2.56.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.6 | LGPL |
libglib2.0-dev | 2.56.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.7 | LGPL |
libmagic-dev | 1:5.32-2ubuntu0.4 | BSD-2-Clause |
libsm6 | 2:1.2.2-1 | Unknown |
libsm6 | 2:1.2.2-1 | MIT License |
libsqlite3-dev | 3.22.0-1ubuntu0.4 | GPL-2+ |
libtesseract-dev | 4.00~git2288-10f4998a-2 | Apache-2.0 |
libxext6 | 2:1.3.3-1 | Unknown |
libxext6 | 2:1.3.3-1 | MIT License |
libzbar0 | 0.10+doc-10.1build2 | LGPL-2.1 |
liris/websocket-client | v0.57.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
locales | 2.27-3ubuntu1.4 | LGPL-2.1 |
magenta | v1.0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
make | 3.10.2-1ubuntu2.18.04.1 | Apache-2.0 |
make | 4.1-9.1ubuntu1 | Apache-2.0 |
Mako | 1.1.3 | MIT License |
MarkupSafe | 1.1.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
maven | 3.6.0-1~18.04.1 | Apache-2.0 |
mlflow | 1.8.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
NumPy | 1.19.5 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
object-detection | r1.12.0 | Apache 2.0\ |
object-detection | r1.12.0 | Apache 2.0 |
Ohloh | 2.10.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
openjdk-11-jdk | 11.0.10+9-0ubuntu1~18.04 | Apache-2.0 |
opt-einsum | 3.3.0 | MIT License |
pandas | 1.1.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
poppler-utils | 0.62.0-2ubuntu2.12 | GPL-2 |
poppler-utils | 21.08.0 | GPL-2 |
postgresql-client | 10+190ubuntu0.1 | GPL-2+ |
prometheus-flask-exporter | 0.15.0 | MIT License |
protobuf | 3.15.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
protobuf-compiler | 3.0.0 | MIT |
psutil | release-5.7.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
psycopg | 2_8_6 | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
pvapy | 1.4.0 | EPICS Open License |
pyca/cryptography | 3.3.2 | (Apache License 2.0 OR BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License) |
pycparser | release_v2.20 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
pycryptodome | v3.9.8 | (Apache License 2.0 AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND Public Domain) |
PyHamcrest | 2.0.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
pyOpenSSL | 20.0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
pypa/setuptools | 50.3.0 | MIT License |
pypi-zope.interface | 5.2.0 | Zope Public License 2.1 |
pyrsistent | 0.16.0 | MIT License |
Python six | 1.15.0 | MIT License |
python3 | 3.6.9-1~18.04ubuntu1.4 | GPL-2 |
python3.6-dev | 3.6.9-1~18.04ubuntu1.4 | GPL-2 |
python3-pip | 9.0.1-2.3~ubuntu1.18.04.4 | public-domain |
python3-setuptools | 39.0.1-2 | GPL-compatible |
python-astor | 0.8.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
python-certifi | 2020.12.5 | Mozilla Public License 2.0 |
python-dateutil | 2.8.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
python-ecdsa | python-ecdsa-0.15 | MIT License |
python-editor | 1.0.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
python-future | 0.18.2 | MIT License |
python-jose | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
python-jsonschema | 3.2.0 | MIT License |
python-keycloak | 0.19.0 | MIT License |
Python-Markdown | 3.3.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Python-RSA | 4.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
python-wheel | 0.34.2 | MIT License |
PyTZ – Python Time Zone Library | 2021.1 | MIT License |
PyYAML – a YAML parser and emitter for Python | 5.4.1 | MIT License |
requests | 2.25.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
requests-oauthlib | 1.3.0 | ISC License |
requests-toolbelt | 0.9.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
rtfd/sphinx_rtd_theme | 0.4.3 | MIT License |
SciPy: Scientific Library for Python | 1.5.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
service_identity | 18.1.0 | MIT License |
simplejson | v3.17.0 | (MIT License OR Academic Free License v2.1) |
smmap | 3.0.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
software-properties-common | | LGPL-2.1 |
SQLAlchemy | 1.3.16 | MIT License |
sqlalchemy-utils | 0.36.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
sqlparse | 0.3.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
tabulate | 0.8.7 | MIT License |
tensorboard | 2.4.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorflow | 2.4.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorflow-estimator | 2.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorflow-serving-api | 2.4.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
termcolor | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
tesseract-ocr | 4.00~git2288-10f4998a-2 | Apache-2.0 |
torch-model-archiver | 0.1.0b20200409 | Apache License 2.0 |
tqdm | 4.56.0 | (MIT License AND Mozilla Public License 2.0) |
Twisted | 20.3.0 | MIT License |
unpaper | 6.1-2 | GPL-2 |
unzip | 6.0-21ubuntu1.1 | Unknown |
unzip | 6.0-21ubuntu1.1 | Info-zip License |
urllib3 | 1.26.3 | MIT License |
Werkzeug | 0.16.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
wget | 1.19.4-1ubuntu2.2 | GPL-3 |
wrapt | 1.12.1 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
zipp | 3.4.0 | MIT License |
Component name | Version | License names |
“Java Concurrency in Practice” book annotations | 1 | Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 |
@angular/animations | 8.2.14 | MIT License |
@angular/cdk | 8.2.1 | MIT License |
@angular/cli | 8.3.29 | MIT License |
@angular/common | 8.2.14 | MIT License |
@angular/compiler | 8.2.14 | MIT License |
@angular/compiler-cli | 8.2.8 | MIT License |
@angular/core | 8.2.14 | MIT License |
@angular/forms | 8.2.14 | MIT License |
@angular/language-service | 8.2.14 | MIT License |
@angular/platform-browser | 8.2.14 | MIT License |
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic | 8.2.14 | MIT License |
@angular/pwa | 0.803.8 | MIT License |
@angular/router | 8.2.14 | MIT License |
@angular/service-worker | 8.2.14 | MIT License |
@angular-devkit/architect | 0.803.29 | MIT License |
@angular-devkit/build-angular | 0.803.29 | MIT License |
@angular-devkit/build-webpack | 0.803.29 | MIT License |
@babel/code-frame | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/compat-data | 7.14.9 | MIT License |
@babel/core | 7.8.7 | MIT License |
@babel/generator | 7.14.9 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-annotate-as-pure | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-compilation-targets | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-create-regexp-features-plugin | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-explode-assignable-expression | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-function-name | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-get-function-arity | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-hoist-variables | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions | 7.14.7 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-module-imports | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-module-transforms | 7.14.8 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-optimise-call-expression | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-plugin-utils | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-remap-async-to-generator | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-replace-supers | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helpers | 7.14.8 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-simple-access | 7.14.8 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-skip-transparent-expression-wrappers | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-split-export-declaration | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-validator-identifier | 7.14.9 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-validator-option | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/helper-wrap-function | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/highlight | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/parser | 7.14.9 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions | 7.14.9 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-proposal-dynamic-import | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread | 7.14.7 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators | 7.8.4 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import | 7.8.3 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-syntax-json-strings | 7.8.3 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator | 7.8.3 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread | 7.8.3 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding | 7.8.3 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-syntax-optional-chaining | 7.8.3 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-syntax-top-level-await | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-classes | 7.14.9 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-destructuring | 7.14.7 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-dotall-regex | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-for-of | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-function-name | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-literals | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-member-expression-literals | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex | 7.14.9 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-new-target | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-object-super | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-parameters | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-property-literals | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-regenerator | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-reserved-words | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-spread | 7.14.6 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-template-literals | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/preset-env | 7.8.7 | MIT License |
@babel/runtime | 7.14.8 | MIT License |
@babel/template | 7.14.5 | MIT License |
@babel/traverse | 7.14.9 | MIT License |
@babel/types | 7.14.9 | MIT License |
@istanbuljs/schema | 0.1.3 | MIT License |
@ngrx/store | 8.3.0 | MIT License |
@ngtools/webpack | 8.3.29 | MIT License |
@nodelib/fs.scandir | 2.1.5 | MIT License |
@nodelib/fs.stat | 2.0.5 | MIT License |
@nodelib/fs.walk | 1.2.8 | MIT License |
@npmcli/move-file | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
@schematics/angular | 0.803.29 | MIT License |
@schematics/angular | 8.3.29 | MIT License |
@schematics/angular | 8.3.8 | MIT License |
@schematics/update | 0.803.29 | MIT License |
@types/glob | 7.1.4 | MIT License |
@types/jasmine | 3.3.16 | MIT License |
@types/jasminewd2 | 2.0.7 | MIT License |
@types/json-schema | 7.0.8 | MIT License |
@types/minimatch | 3.0.5 | MIT License |
@types/node | 8.9.5 | MIT License |
@types/q | 0.0.32 | MIT License |
@types/selenium-webdriver | 3.0.16 | MIT License |
@types/source-list-map | 0.1.2 | MIT License |
@types/webpack-sources | 0.1.9 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/ast | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/floating-point-hex-parser | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/helper-api-error | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/helper-buffer | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/helper-code-frame | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/helper-fsm | 1.8.5 | ISC License |
@webassemblyjs/helper-module-context | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-bytecode | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-section | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/ieee754 | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/leb128 | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/utf8 | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/wasm-edit | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/wasm-gen | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/wasm-opt | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/wasm-parser | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/wast-parser | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@webassemblyjs/wast-printer | 1.8.5 | MIT License |
@xtuc/ieee754 | 1.2.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
@xtuc/long | 4.2.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
@yarnpkg/lockfile | 1.1.0 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
Æsh | 2.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
Æsh Extensions | 1.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
Æsh Readline | 2.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Æsh Terminal API | 2.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
abbrev | 1.1.1 | ISC License |
absl-py | 0.10.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
absl-py | 0.8.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
absl-py | 0.13.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
ACL | 2.2.53 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
Acorn | 6.4.2 | MIT License |
ActiveMQ Artemis JDBC Store | 2.16.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
ActiveMQ Artemis Native | 1.0.2.redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
ActiveMQ Artemis Tools | 2.16.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
ActiveMQ Artemis WildFly Integration | 1.0.2 | Public Domain |
adduser | 3.118ubuntu2 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
AdminLTE | v2.4.0 | MIT License |
AdminLTE | v2.4.1 | MIT License |
adm-zip | 0.4.13 | MIT License |
AEsh | 0.66.19 | Apache License 2.0 |
after | 0.8.2 | MIT License |
agent-base | 4.3.0 | MIT License |
agentkeepalive | 3.5.2 | MIT License |
aggregate-error | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
Agroal API | 1.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Agroal Connection Pool | 1.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Agroal Narayana Integration | 1.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
ajv | 6.10.2 | MIT License |
ajv | v6.12.3 | MIT License |
ajv | v6.12.6 | MIT License |
ajv-errors | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
ajv-keywords | 3.5.2 | MIT License |
alembic | 1.6.5 | MIT License |
alembic | rel_1_2_0 | MIT License |
alembic | 1.4.1 | MIT License |
alyn | 0.1.1 | MIT License |
amdefine | 1.0.1 | (MIT License OR BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License) |
Angular | 6.0.0-beta.2 | MIT License |
Angular | 8.0.0-rc.5 | MIT License |
angular-file-upload | 1.1.10 | MIT License |
angular-file-upload | | MIT License |
angular-translate | 2.18.3 | MIT License |
Animal Sniffer Annotations | 1.17 | MIT License |
aniso8601 | 8.0.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
aniso8601 | 9.0.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
ansi-colors | 3.2.4 | MIT License |
ansi-colors | 4.1.1 | MIT License |
ansi-escapes | 4.3.2 | MIT License |
ansi-html | 0.0.7 | Apache License 2.0 |
ansi-regex | 2.1.1 | MIT License |
ansi-regex | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
ansi-regex | 4.1.0 | MIT License |
ansi-regex | 5.0.0 | MIT License |
ansi-styles | 2.2.1 | MIT License |
ansi-styles | 3.2.1 | MIT License |
ansi-styles | v4.3.0 | MIT License |
antlr4 | 2.7.7 | ANTLR Software Rights Notice |
antlr4 | 4.7.2 | (MIT License AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License) |
anyio | 3.3 | MIT License |
anymatch | 2.0.0 | ISC License |
anymatch | 3.1.2 | ISC License |
Apache ActiveMQ | 2.16.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Avro | 1.7.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | 1.9.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | 1.9.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | 1.3.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | 1.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | 1.15 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | 1.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | 1.11 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | 1.13 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Collections | 4.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Collections | 3.2.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Collections | 4.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Collections | 4.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | 1.21 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | 1.19 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | 1.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons CSV | commons-csv-1.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Exec | 1.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | 2.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | 3.11 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | 3.12.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | 3.9 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | 3.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | 1.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | 3.6.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Commons Text | 1.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache CXF | cxf-3.3.10 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache CXF STS Core | 3.3.10 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache CXF WS-Discovery API | 3.3.10 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache CXF XJC Boolean Getter Plugin | 3.3.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache CXF XJC Plugin To Workaround JAXB Bug 986 | 3.3.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache CXF XJC Runtime | 3.3.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache CXF Xjcplugins | 3.3.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache FontBox | 2.0.12 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache FontBox | 2.0.23 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache FontBox | 2.0.24 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Geronimo Annotation Spec 1.3 | 1.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Groovy | 2.4.12 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | 4.5.13 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | 4.5.10 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache HttpComponents AsyncClient | 4.1.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache HttpComponents Core | 4.4.13 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache HttpComponents Core | 4.4.14 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache HttpComponents Core | 4.4.10 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache HttpMime | 4.5.13 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache HttpMime | 4.5.10 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache JAMES Mime4j (DOM) | 0.8.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache JempBox | 1.8.16 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Kafka | 2.7.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Karaf :: HTTP :: Core | 4.3.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Log4j | 1.2.16 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Log4j | 1.2.17 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Log4j | 2.13.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Log4j | 2.14.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Log4j to SLF4J Adapter | 2.13.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Log4j to SLF4J Adapter | 2.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Lucene | 5.5.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Mina SSHD :: Common support utilities | 2.3.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Mina SSHD :: Common support utilities | 2.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Mina SSHD :: Core | 2.0.0-cloudera | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Mina SSHD :: Core | 2.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Neethi | 3.1.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache PDFBox | 2.0.12 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache PDFBox | 2.0.23 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache PDFBox | 3.0.0-RC1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache PDFBox | 2.0.24 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache PDFBox tools | 2.0.23 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache POI | REL_4_1_2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache POI: OOXML | 4.1.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache POI: OOXML-schemas | 4.1.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache POI: scratchpad | 4.1.2-20200903124306_modified_talend | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Santuario (Java) | 2.1.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache ServiceMix Bundles: xmlbeans-2.4.0 | 3.0.2_2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache SIS common storage | 1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache SIS features | 1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache SIS metadata | 1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache SIS NetCDF storage | 1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache SIS referencing | 1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache SIS utilities | 1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Sling | 2.7.12 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Standard Taglib 1.0 Compatibility | 1.2.6-RC1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Standard Taglib Implementation | 1.2.6-RC1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Taglibs | 1.2.6-RC1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Thrift | 0.13.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Tika | 1.24 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Tika | 1.26 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Tika plugin for Ogg, Vorbis and FLAC | 0.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Tomcat | 9.0.53 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Tomcat | 9.0.52 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Tomcat Embed | 9.0.53 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Tomcat Embed | 9.0.52 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Velocity – Engine | 2.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache WSS4J Bindings | 2.2.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache WSS4J DOM WS-Security | 2.2.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache WSS4J Streaming WS-Security | 2.2.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache WSS4J Streaming WS-SecurityPolicy | 2.2.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache WSS4J WS-Security Common | 2.2.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache WSS4J WS-SecurityPolicy model | 2.2.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Xalan (Java) | 2.7.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Xerces2 J | 2.12.0.SP03 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache Xerces2 J | 2.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache XML Commons | 1.4.01 | Apache License 2.0 |
Apache XmpBox | 2.0.23 | Apache License 2.0 |
append-transform | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
app-root-path | 2.2.1 | MIT License |
aproba | 1.2.0 | ISC License |
apt – Advanced Package Tool | 2.0.2ubuntu0.2 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
are-we-there-yet | 1.1.5 | ISC License |
argparse | 1.0.10 | MIT License |
aria-query | 3.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
arjunacore | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
ArjunaCore txoj module | 5.11.1.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
arraybuffer.slice | 0.0.7 | MIT License |
array-flatten | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
array-flatten | 2.1.2 | MIT License |
array-union | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
array-union | v2.1.0 | MIT License |
array-uniq | 1.0.3 | MIT License |
array-unique | 0.3.2 | MIT License |
arr-diff | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
arr-flatten | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
arrify | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
arr-union | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
asap | 2.0.6 | MIT License |
ASM | 9.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
ASM | 7.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
ASM | 8.0.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | 2.4.7 | Apache License 2.0 |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | 1.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
ASM Util | 7.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
ASN.1 library for Python | 0.4.8 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
ASN.1 library for Python | v0.2.8 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
ASN.1 library for Python | 0.4.2 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
asn1.js-rfc2560 | v5.4.1 | MIT License |
asn1crypto | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
AssertJ fluent assertions | 3.16.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
assign-symbols | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
ast-types-flow | 0.0.7 | ISC License |
astunparse | 1.6.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Async | 2.6.3 | MIT License |
async_generator | 1.1 | MIT License |
async-each | 1.0.3 | MIT License |
asynckit | 0.4.0 | MIT License |
async-limiter | v1.0.1 | MIT License |
atob | 2.1.2 | (MIT License OR Apache License 2.0) |
attrs-python | 19.3.0 | MIT License |
attrs-python | 21.2.0 | MIT License |
Audit | 2.8.5 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
audit-libs | 3 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
Auto Common Libraries | 0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Automaton | 1.11-8 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Autoprefixer | 9.6.1 | MIT License |
AutoService | 1.0-rc5 | Apache License 2.0 |
aws4 | 1.8.0 | MIT License |
awslabs/aws-data-wrangler | 2.3.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
axobject-query | 2.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Azure/azure-container-networking | v1.2.6 | MIT License |
azure-sdk-for-python | 1.16.0 | MIT License |
azure-storage-blob | 12.8.1 | MIT License |
babel-code-frame | 6.26.0 | MIT License |
babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node | 2.3.3 | MIT License |
backo2 | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
balanced-match | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
BASE | 0.11.2 | MIT License |
base64-arraybuffer | 0.1.4 | MIT License |
base64id | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
base64-js | 1.5.1 | MIT License |
base-files | 11ubuntu5.2 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 or later OR Artistic License 1.0 (Perl)) |
base-files | 11ubuntu4 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 or later OR Artistic License 1.0 (Perl)) |
base-passwd | 3.5.47 | GNU General Public License v2.0 only |
basesystem | 11 | Public Domain |
Bash | 4.4.20 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
Bash | 5 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
Batch Applications for the Java Platform | 2.0.0.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
bcrypt | 3.1.7 | Apache License 2.0 |
bcrypt-pbkdf | 1.0.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Bean Validation API | 2.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
BeautifulSoup4 | 4.8.1 | MIT License |
BeautifulSoup4 | 4.9.3 | MIT License |
Berkeley DB | 5.3.28 | (Sleepycat License OR Oracle Berkeley DB License) |
bernii/querystring-parser | 1.2.4 | MIT License |
big.js | 5.2.2 | MIT License |
binary-extensions | 1.13.1 | MIT License |
binary-extensions | v2.2.0 | MIT License |
blackduck-common | 48.1.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
blackduck-common-api | 2019.12.0.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
blackducksoftware/magpie-libraries | 0.6.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
blis | 0.4.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
blktool | 0.0.11 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
blob | 0.0.5 | MIT License |
Bluebird JS | v3.7.2 | MIT License |
bn.js | 5.2.0 | MIT License |
bn.js | v4.12.0 | MIT License |
body-parser | 1.19.0 | MIT License |
boilerpipe | 1.1.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
bonjour | 3.5.0 | MIT License |
Bootstrap (Twitter) | 4.3.1 | MIT License |
bootstrap-multiselect | 0.9.13 | Apache License 2.0 |
boto | 2.49.0 | MIT License |
boto3 | 1.16.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
boto3 | 1.18.10 | Apache License 2.0 |
boto3 | 1.18.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
botocore | 1.19.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
botocore | 1.21.10 | Apache License 2.0 |
botocore | 1.21.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
Bouncy Castle | 1.68 | MIT License |
Bouncy Castle PKIX, CMS, EAC, TSP, PKCS, OCSP, CMP, and CRMF APIs | 1.68 | MIT License |
bpemb | 0.3.3 | MIT License |
brace-expansion | 1.1.11 | MIT License |
Bridge between REST-AT and JTA | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
brorand | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
brotli | 1.0.6 | MIT License |
browserify/resolve | v1.12.0 | MIT License |
browserify-aes | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
browserify-cipher | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
browserify-rsa | 4.1.0 | MIT License |
browserify-sign | 4.2.1 | ISC License |
browserify-zlib | 0.2.0 | MIT License |
browserslist | 4.10.0 | MIT License |
browserslist | 4.16.6 | MIT License |
bsdutils | 2.34 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
btf | 1.2 | (Apache License 2.0 AND GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later) |
Buffer | v4.9.2 | MIT License |
buffer-from | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
buffer-indexof | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
buffer-xor | 1.0.3 | MIT License |
builtin-modules | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
builtins | 1.0.3 | MIT License |
builtin-status-codes | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
Byte Buddy | byte-buddy-1.10.22 | Apache License 2.0 |
Byte Buddy | byte-buddy-1.9.11 | Apache License 2.0 |
byte-buddy-agent | 1.10.22 | Apache License 2.0 |
bytes | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
bytes | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
Bzip2 | 1.0.8 | Bzip2 License |
bzip2-devel | 1.0.6 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
bzip2-libs | 1.0.6 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
c3p0:JDBC DataSources/Resource Pools | | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
cacache | 12.0.2 | ISC License |
cacache | 15.2.0 | ISC License |
ca-certificates | 2020.2.41 | Public Domain |
ca-certificates | 20210119~20.04.1 | Mozilla Public License 2.0 |
ca-certificates | 20210119 | Mozilla Public License 2.0 |
cache-base | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
cached-property | 1.5.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
cached-property | 1.5.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
cachetools | 4.1.0 | MIT License |
cachetools | 4.2.2 | MIT License |
Caffeine cache | 2.8.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
Calico SDN | v3.12.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
call-bind | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
caller-callsite | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
caller-path | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
callsites | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
calvinmetcalf/lie | v3.3.0 | MIT License |
camelcase | 5.3.1 | MIT License |
caniuse-lite | 1.0.30001035 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
caniuse-lite | 1.0.30001248 | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
canonical-path | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
caseless | 0.12.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
catalogue | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
CDI APIs | 2.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
CDM core library | 4.5.5 | NetCDF license |
celery | 4.4.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
celery | 5.0.5 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
celery/billiard | | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
celery/billiard | v3.6.4.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
cffi | 1.14.0 | MIT License |
Cffi | 1.14.6 | MIT License |
cffi | 1.13.2 | MIT License |
Chalk | 1.1.3 | MIT License |
Chalk | 2.4.2 | MIT License |
chardet | 3.0.4 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
chardet | 4.0.0 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
charset-normalizer | 2.0.3 | MIT License |
Chart.js | 2.7.3 | MIT License |
Chart.js | 2.1.6 | MIT License |
Checker Qual | 2.5.2 | MIT License |
Checker Qual | 2.8.1 | MIT License |
Checker Qual | 2.11.1 | MIT License |
Checker Qual | 3.8.0 | MIT License |
chkconfig | 1.13 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
chokidar | 2.1.8 | MIT License |
chokidar | 3.5.2 | MIT License |
chownr | 1.1.1 | ISC License |
chownr | 1.1.4 | ISC License |
chownr | 2.0.0 | ISC License |
cipher-base | 1.0.4 | MIT License |
circular-dependency-plugin | 5.2.0 | ISC License |
classfilewriter | 1.2.4.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
classList.js | 1.1.20150312 | Public Domain |
class-utils | 0.3.6 | MIT License |
clean-css | 4.2.1 | MIT License |
clean-stack | 2.2.0 | MIT License |
Click – Python Command Line Utility | 7.1.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Click – Python Command Line Utility | 8.0.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Click – Python Command Line Utility | 8.0.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Click – Python Command Line Utility | 6.7 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
click-didyoumean | 0.0.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
click-plugins | 1.1.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
click-repl | 0.2.0 | MIT License |
cli-cursor | v3.1.0 | MIT License |
client_python | v0.11.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
client_python | v0.6.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
cliui | 4.1.0 | ISC License |
cliui | 5.0.0 | ISC License |
cliui | v6.0.0 | ISC License |
cli-width | 2.2.1 | ISC License |
Clone | 2.1.2 | MIT License |
clone-deep | 4.0.1 | MIT License |
cloudpickle | v1.6.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
cloudpickle | 0.2.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
codelyzer | 5.1.2 | MIT License |
Codemodel Core | 2.3.3-b02 | Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
code-point-at | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
collection-visit | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
colorama | 0.4.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
colorama | 0.3.9 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
colorette | 1.2.2 | MIT License |
ColorlibHQ/AdminLTE | v2.4.0-rc | MIT License |
ColorlibHQ/AdminLTE | v2.4.1 | MIT License |
colors.js | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
colors.js | v1.4.0 | MIT License |
combined-stream | 1.0.8 | MIT License |
Commander.js | v2.20.1 | MIT License |
common | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
Common Annotations 1.3 API | 2.0.1.Final | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception OR Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
commonjs-assert | v1.5.0 | MIT License |
Commons IO | 2.11.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Commons IO | 2.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
Commons IO | 2.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
Commons IO | 2.8.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Commons Logging to JBoss Logging | 1.0.0.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
compare-versions | 3.6.0 | MIT License |
compiler – | 0.9.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
component/bind | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
component-inherit | 0.0.3 | MIT License |
compression | 1.7.4 | MIT License |
concat-stream | 1.6.2 | MIT License |
Concurrency Utilities for JavaEE | 2.0.0.Final | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
configparser | 5.0.2 | MIT License |
configs-core | 6.0.0 | MIT License |
connect-history-api-fallback | 1.6.0 | MIT License |
console-browserify | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
console-control-strings | 1.1.0 | ISC License |
constants-browserify | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
content-disposition | 0.5.3 | MIT License |
convert-source-map | 1.6.0 | MIT License |
convert-source-map | 1.8.0 | MIT License |
cookcc | 0.4.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
copy-concurrently | 1.0.5 | ISC License |
copy-descriptor | 0.1.1 | MIT License |
copy-webpack-plugin | 6.0.3 | MIT License |
core-js | 3.1.4 | MIT License |
core-js | 3.16.0 | MIT License |
core-js | v3.6.4 | MIT License |
core-util-is | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
coreutils-single | 8.3 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
cosmiconfig | 5.2.1 | MIT License |
coverage-istanbul-loader | 2.0.3 | MIT License |
fcpp | 8.4.1 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND GNU General Public License v3.0 with Exceptions AND GNU General Public License v2.0 with Exceptions AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
cpp | 9.3.0 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 or later AND BSD 4-clause “Original” or “Old” License) |
cracklib | 2.9.6 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
craft-text-detector | 0.1.6 | MIT License |
createecdh | 4.0.4 | MIT License |
create-hash | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
create-hmac | 1.1.7 | MIT License |
cryptacular | 1.2.4 | (Apache License 2.0 AND GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later) |
crypto-browserify | 3.12.0 | MIT License |
crypto-browserify/pbkdf2 | v3.1.2 | MIT License |
cryptomator | 0.6 | GNU General Public License v3.0 only |
crypto-policies | 20210209 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
crypto-policies | 20190816git | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
crypto-policies-scripts | 20210209 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
cryptsetup-libs | 2.3.3 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
cssauron | 1.4.0 | MIT License |
cssesc | 0.1.0 | MIT License |
css-parse | 1.7.0 | MIT License |
css-selector-tokenizer | 0.7.1 | MIT License |
cujojs/when | 3.6.4 | MIT License |
curl | 7.61.1 | curl License |
curvesapi | 1.06 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
custom-event | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
cx_Oracle | 8.2.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Cycler | 0.10.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
cyclist | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
cymem | 2.0.3 | MIT License |
cymem | 2.0.5 | MIT License |
Cyrus SASL | 2.1.27 | Carnegie Mellon University License |
cyrus-sasl-lib | 2.1.27 | BSD-4-Clause (University of California-Specific) |
Cython | 0.29.14 | Apache License 2.0 |
Cython | 0.29.22 | Apache License 2.0 |
cython-blis | 0.7.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
cytoscape | 3.2.4 | MIT License |
cytoscape-dagre | 1.5.0 | MIT License |
cytoscape-qtip | 2.7.0 | MIT License |
D3.js | 4.12.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
damerau-levenshtein | 1.0.5 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
DanielnetoDotCom/YouPHPTube | 5 | (MIT License AND MIT Not Evil License) |
DASH | | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
Data Mapper for Jackson | 1.9.13 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
databricks-cli | 0.14.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
dataclasses | 0.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
DataTables | 1.10.13 | MIT License |
date-format | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
date-format | v3.0.0 | MIT License |
D-Bus | 1.12.8 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 or later OR Academic Free License v2.1) |
D-Bus | 1.12.20 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
dbus-common | 1.12.8 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
dbus-daemon | 1.12.8 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
dbus-glib | 0.11 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
dbus-libs | 1.12.8 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
dbus-python | 1.2.4 | MIT License |
dbus-tools | 1.12.8 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
dd-plist | 1.23 | MIT License |
debconf | 1.5.73 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
debconf | 1.5.72 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
Debian | 0.251ubuntu1 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
debianutils | 4.9.1 | (SMAIL General Public License AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
debuglog | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
Decamelize | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
decode-uri-component | 0.2.0 | MIT License |
decorator | 4.4.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
decorator | 4.2.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
deep-extend | 0.6.0 | MIT License |
default-gateway | 4.2.0 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
default-require-extensions | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
define-properties | v1.1.3 | MIT License |
define-property | 0.2.5 | MIT License |
define-property | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
define-property | 2.0.2 | MIT License |
Del using Globs | 2.2.2 | MIT License |
Del using Globs | v4.1.1 | MIT License |
delayed-stream | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
delegates | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
dependency-graph | 0.7.2 | MIT License |
Deprecated | 1.2.12 | MIT License |
des.js | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
destroy | 1.0.4 | MIT License |
detect-libc | 1.0.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
detect-node | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
devbridge-autocomplete | 1.4.1 | MIT License |
device-mapper-libs | 1.02.175 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
devmapper | 1.02.175 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
dezalgo | 1.0.3 | ISC License |
diffie-hellman | 5.0.3 | MIT License |
digraph-parser | 1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
dir-glob | 3.0.1 | MIT License |
dlib | 19.22.0 | Boost Software License 1.0 |
dmidecode | 3.2 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
dnf | 4.4.2 | GNU General Public License v2.0 only |
dnf | 4.5.2 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
dnf-plugins-core | 4.0.18 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
dnf-plugin-subscription-manager | 1.28.13 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
dns-equal | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
dns-packet | 1.3.4 | MIT License |
dns-txt | 2.0.2 | MIT License |
docker | 5.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
docker-py | 4.1.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
docker-py | 4.4.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
dom4j: flexible XML framework for Java | 2.1.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
domain-browser | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
dominictarr/rc | 1.2.8 | (MIT License OR BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License OR Apache License 2.0) |
dom-serialize | 2.2.1 | MIT License |
dpkg | 1.19.7ubuntu3 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
duplexify | 3.7.1 | MIT License |
e2fsprogs | 1.45.5 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 only AND MIT License AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND GNU General Public License v2.0 only) |
ecc-jsbn | 0.1.2 | MIT License |
Eclipse ECJ | 4.6.1 | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
Eclipse MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators API | 1.0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
ee-first | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
efficientnet | 1.1.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Ehcache | 2.6.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
einaros/ws | 6.2.2 | MIT License |
einaros/ws | 7.4.6 | MIT License |
Elastic JNA Distribution | 5.7.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Elasticsearch | 7.14.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
electron-to-chromium | 1.3.792 | ISC License |
elfutils | 0.182 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
elfutils-libs | 0.182 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
elliptic | v6.5.4 | MIT License |
embedded-postgres-binaries-linux-amd64 | 9.6.23 | Apache License 2.0 |
ember-cli-testdouble-qunit | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
emitter-component | 1.2.1 | MIT License |
emitter-component | 1.3.0 | MIT License |
emoji-regex | 7.0.3 | MIT License |
emoji-regex | v8.0.0 | MIT License |
emojis-list | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
emojis-list | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
encodeurl | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
encoding | v0.1.13 | MIT License |
end-of-stream | v1.4.4 | MIT License | | 3.5.0 | MIT License | | 2.2.1 | MIT License |
enhanced-resolve | 4.1.0 | MIT License |
ent | 2.2.0 | MIT License |
Enterprise JavaBeans(TM) 3.2 API | 2.0.0.Final | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Enterprise Security API | 1.0.2 | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
entrypoints | 0.3 | MIT License |
enum-compat | 0.0.3 | MIT License |
err-code | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
errno | 0.1.8 | MIT License |
error-prone annotations | 2.2.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
error-prone annotations | 2.3.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
error-prone annotations | 2.6.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
es6-promise | v4.2.8 | MIT License |
es6-promisify | 5.0.0 | MIT License |
es-abstract | 1.14.2 | MIT License |
escalade | 3.1.1 | MIT License |
escape-html | 1.0.3 | MIT License |
escape-string-regexp | 1.0.5 | MIT License |
eslint-scope | v4.0.3 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
Esprima | 4.0.1 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
esrecurse | v4.3.0 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
es-to-primitive | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
estraverse | 5.2.0 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
estraverse | v4.3.0 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
esutils | 2.0.3 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
etag | 1.8.1 | MIT License |
et-xmlfile | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
eventemitter3 | 4.0.7 | MIT License |
eventsource-node | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
evp_bytestokey | 1.0.3 | MIT License |
execa | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
expand-brackets | 2.1.4 | MIT License |
experiencor/keras-yolo2 | v0.1 | MIT License |
experiencor/keras-yolo3 | 20180607-snapshot-e1e6073f | MIT License |
Expression Language 3.0 | 3.0.4 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Expression Language 3.0 | 3.0.3 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception OR Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Expression Language API | 2.0.0.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Apache License 2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
expressjs/accepts | 1.3.7 | MIT License |
expressjs/compressible | 2.0.18 | MIT License |
expressjs/express | 4.17.1 | MIT License |
extend | 3.0.2 | MIT License |
extend-shallow | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
extend-shallow | 3.0.2 | MIT License |
extglob | 2.0.4 | MIT License |
extsprintf | 1.3.0 | MIT License |
face_recognition_models | 0.3.0 | MIT License |
Fast Infoset | 1.2.13 | Apache License 2.0 |
fast-deep-equal | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
fast-deep-equal | v3.1.3 | MIT License |
fast-glob | 3.2.7 | MIT License |
fast-json-stable-stringify | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
fastparse | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
fastq | 1.11.1 | ISC License |
faye-websocket-node | 0.10.0 | MIT License |
faye-websocket-node | 0.11.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
felixge/node-retry | 0.10.1 | MIT License |
felixge/node-retry | v0.12.0 | MIT License |
ffmpeg-python | 0.2.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
figgy-pudding | 3.5.2 | ISC License |
figures | 3.2.0 | MIT License |
file-libs | 5.33 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
file-loader | v4.2.0 | MIT License |
filesystem | 3.8 | Public Domain |
fill-range | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
fill-range | 7.0.1 | MIT License |
finalhandler | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
FindBugs jsr305 | 3.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
FindBugs jsr305 | 0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
find-cache-dir | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
find-cache-dir | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
find-cache-dir | 3.3.1 | MIT License |
find-up | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
find-up | v4.1.0 | MIT License |
findutils | 4.6.0 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
findutils | v4.7.0 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
flair | 0.8.0.post1 | MIT License |
Flask | 1.1.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Flask | 1.0.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Flask | 2.0.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Flask-Cors | 3.0.10 | MIT License |
Flask-Cors | 2.1.2 | MIT License |
flask-csp | 0.1 | MIT License |
Flask-Log-Request-ID | 0.10.1 | MIT License |
flask-migrate | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
flask-restplus | 0.13.0 | MIT License |
flask-restx | 0.5.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
flask-sqlalchemy | 2.4.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
flask-sslify | 0.1.5 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Flask-WTF | 0.14.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
FlatBuffers | 1.12 | Apache License 2.0 |
flatted | 2.0.2 | ISC License |
floatdrop/pinkie | 2.0.4 | MIT License |
flush-write-stream | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
follow-redirects | 1.14.1 | MIT License |
forever-agent | 0.6.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
for-in | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
form-data | 2.3.3 | MIT License |
forwarded | 0.2.0 | MIT License |
fragment-cache | 0.2.1 | MIT License |
framework7io/framework7 | v4.0.0-beta.15 | MIT License |
FreeMarker | 2.3.31 | Apache License 2.0 |
FreeMarker | 2.3.26-incubating | Apache License 2.0 |
from2 | 2.3.0 | MIT License |
fs.realpath | 1.0.0 | ISC License |
fs-access | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
fsevents | 1.2.13 | MIT License |
fsevents | 1.2.9 | MIT License |
fsevents | 2.3.2 | MIT License |
fs-extra | 8.1.0 | MIT License |
fs-minipass | 1.2.5 | ISC License |
fs-minipass | v1.2.7 | ISC License |
fs-minipass | v2.1.0 | ISC License |
fs-write-stream-atomic | 1.0.10 | ISC License |
function-bind | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
gast | 0.3.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
gast | 0.2.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Gawk | 4.2.1 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND BSD 1.0 – Historical Permission License AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later AND GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
gcc | 8.4.1 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND GNU General Public License v3.0 with Exceptions AND GNU General Public License v2.0 with Exceptions AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND GNU General Publi c License v3.0 or later) |
gcc-10-base | 10.3.0 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR GNU General Public License v1.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later OR Artistic License 1.0 (Perl) OR GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 only OR GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
gcc-10-base | 10.2.0 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR GNU General Public License v1.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later OR Artistic License 1.0 (Perl) OR GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 only OR GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
gcc-9 | 9.3.0 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR GNU General Public License v1.0 or later OR GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later OR Artistic License 1.0 (Perl) OR GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 only OR GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
gcc-c++ | 8.4.1 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND GNU General Public License v3.0 with Exceptions AND GNU General Public License v2.0 with Exceptions AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
GDAL | 2.2.3 | MIT License |
GDB | 8.2 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
gdbm-libs | 1.18 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
gdown | 3.12.2 | MIT License |
Generex | 1.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
genfun | 5.0.0 | MIT License |
gensim | 3.8.3 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
gensync | 1.0.0-beta.2 | MIT License |
GeoAPI | 3.0.1 | Open Geospatial Consortium Software License |
get-caller-file | 2.0.5 | ISC License |
get-intrinsic | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
getopt | 1.0.13 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
getpass | 0.1.7 | MIT License |
get-stream | v4.1.0 | MIT License |
get-value | 2.0.6 | MIT License |
gevent | 1.4.0 | MIT License |
gevent | 21.1.2 | MIT License |
gitdb | 4.0.7 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
gitdb | 2.0.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
gitdb | 4.0.5 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
GitPython | 3.1.18 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
GitPython | 2.0.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
GitPython | 2.1.9 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
GitPython | 3.1.14 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
GitPython | 3.1.20 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
glassfish-corba-omgapi | 4.2.4 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
GLib | 2.56.4 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
glibc-minimal-langpack | 2.28 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND ISC License AND GNU Lesser General Public License v2.0 with Exceptions AND GNU General Public License v2.0 with Exceptions AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND Public Domain AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
glob-parent | 3.1.0 | ISC License |
glob-parent | 5.1.2 | ISC License |
GMP | 6.1.2 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later AND GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
GMP | 6.2.1 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
GMP | 6.2.0 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later AND GNU General Public License v2.0 only) |
GNU Binutils | 2.3 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GNU Binutils | 2.34 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
GNU C Library | 2.28 | (University of Cambridge Software License AND GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Spencer License 97 AND ISC License AND Diffstat License AND CarnMellon Mach OS License (similar to Historical Permission Notice) AND Sun Freely Redistributable License AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
GNU C Library | 2.31 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
GNU Compiler Collection | 8.4.1 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND GNU General Public License v3.0 with Exceptions AND GNU General Public License v2.0 with Exceptions AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
GNU Compiler Collection | 10.3.0 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
GNU Compiler Collection | 9.3.0 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GNU Compiler Collection | 10.2.0 | GNU General Public License v3.0 w/GCC Runtime Library exception |
GNU Core Utilities | v8.30 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GNU Diff Utilities | 3.7 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GNU grep | 3.1 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GNU grep | 3.4 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GNU Make | 4.2.1 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GNU MPFR | 3.1.6 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later AND GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
GNU MPFR | 4.0.2 | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
GNU sed | 4.5 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GNU sed | 4.7 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
GNU tar | 1.3 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GNU which | 2.21 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GnuPG | 2.2.20 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GnuPG | 2.2.19 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME) | 1.13.1 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
GnuTLS | 3.6.14 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
GnuTLS | 3.6.13 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
Go programming language | 20210426-snapshot | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
GObject-introspection | 1.56.1 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND MIT License AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
Google Java Format | 1.11.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
google-auth | 1.19.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
google-auth | 1.34.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
google-auth-oauthlib | 0.4.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
google-auth-oauthlib | 0.4.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
google-gson | 2.8.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
google-gson | 2.8.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
google-pasta | 0.2.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
gorakhargosh/pathtools | 0.1.2 | MIT License |
gorilla | 0.4.0 | MIT License |
Gozala/events | 3.3.0 | MIT License |
Gozala/querystring | 0.2.0 | MIT License |
gpgme | 1.13.1 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
greenlet | 0.4.15 | MIT License |
greenlet | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
GRIB Decoder API | 4.5.5 | NetCDF license |
grpc | 1.30.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
grpcio | 1.32.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
grpcio | 1.36.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
grpcio-health-checking | 1.36.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
grpcio-tools | 1.30.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
grpcio-tools | 1.33.0rc1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | 1.0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava | Apache License 2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | v27.0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | v28.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | 30.1-jre | Apache License 2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | 30.1.1-jre | Apache License 2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | v29.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Gunicorn | 20.0.4 | MIT License |
Gunicorn | 20.1.0 | MIT License |
gzip | 1.9 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
gzip | 1.1 | GNU General Public License v2.0 only |
H2 | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
H2 Database Engine | 1.4.197 | (Mozilla Public License 2.0 OR Eclipse Public License 1.0) |
h5py | 2.10.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
HAL :: Console | 3.3.6.Final | (MIT License AND Apache License 2.0) |
Hamcrest | 1.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Hamcrest | v2.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
hammer.js | 2.0.8 | MIT License |
handle-thing | v2.0.1 | MIT License |
har-schema | 2.0.0 | ISC License |
har-validator | 5.1.3 | MIT License |
has | 1.0.3 | MIT License |
has-ansi | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
has-binary2 | 1.0.3 | MIT License |
has-cors | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
has-flag | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
has-flag | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
hash.js | 1.1.7 | MIT License |
hash-base | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
has-symbols | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
has-symbols | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
has-unicode | 2.0.1 | ISC License |
has-value | 0.3.1 | MIT License |
has-value | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
has-values | 0.1.4 | MIT License |
has-values | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
HawtJNI Runtime | 1.15 | (Apache License 2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 1.0) |
HawtJNI Runtime | 1.17 | (Apache License 2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 1.0) |
healthcheck | 1.3.3 | MIT License |
Hibernate Commons Annotations | 5.0.5.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
Hibernate ORM | 5.3.20 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
Hibernate Search | 5.10.7.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
Hibernate Search Avro Serialization | 5.10.7.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
Hibernate Search JMS Backend | 5.10.7.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
Hibernate Validator | 6.0.22.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Hibernate Validator Portable Extension | 6.0.22.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
HikariCP | 2.4.13 | Apache License 2.0 |
hmac-drbg | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
HornetQ | 2.4.7.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
HornetQ Commons | 2.4.7.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
HornetQ JMS Client | 2.4.7.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
hosted-git-info | v2.8.9 | ISC License |
hostname | 3.23 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
hpack.js | 2.1.6 | MIT License |
html-escaper | 2.0.2 | MIT License |
http-cache-semantics | 3.8.1 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
HttpClient Wrappers | 4.5.5 | NetCDF license |
http-deceiver | 1.2.7 | MIT License |
http-errors | 1.6.3 | MIT License |
http-errors | 1.7.2 | MIT License |
http-proxy | 1.18.1 | MIT License |
http-proxy-agent | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
http-proxy-middleware | v0.19.1 | MIT License |
https-browserify | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
https-proxy-agent | 2.2.2 | MIT License |
https-proxy-agent | 2.2.4 | MIT License |
httpx | 0.18.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
huggingface-hub | 0.0.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
humanize | 0.5.1 | MIT License |
humanize-ms | 1.2.1 | MIT License |
hwdata | 0.314 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
Hyperframe | 5.1.0 | MIT License |
hyperopt | 0.2.5 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
iarna/gauge | v2.7.4 | ISC License |
iconv-lite | 0.6.3 | MIT License |
iconv-lite | v0.4.24 | MIT License |
idan/oauthlib | v3.1.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
idan/oauthlib | 3.1.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
idna | 2.9 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
idna | 2.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
idna | 2.5 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
idna | 3.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
idna | 2.7 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
ieee754 | v1.2.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
iferr | 0.1.5 | MIT License |
ignore | 5.1.8 | MIT License |
ignore-walk | 3.0.1 | ISC License |
ignore-walk | 3.0.4 | ISC License |
imageio | 2.9.0 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
imageio | v2.3.0 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
imgaug | 0.4.0 | MIT License |
immediate | 3.0.6 | MIT License |
Immutables | 0.16 | Apache License 2.0 |
import-cwd | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
import-fresh | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
import-from | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
importlib-metadata | 3.10.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
importlib-metadata | 4.7.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
importlib-metadata | 4.6.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
import-local | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
imurmurhash | 0.1.4 | MIT License |
imutils | 0.5.4 | MIT License |
indent-string | v4.0.0 | MIT License |
indexof | 0.0.1 | MIT License |
infer-owner | 1.0.4 | ISC License |
Infinispan | 11.0.9.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Infinispan Client Hotrod Module | 11.0.9.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Infinispan Common Parent | 11.0.9.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Infinispan Commons JDK 11 | 11.0.11.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Infinispan Component Annotations | 11.0.9.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Infinispan Hibernate 5.3 Cache | 11.0.9.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Infinispan Hibernate Cache Commons | 11.0.9.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Infinispan Hibernate Cache SPI | 11.0.9.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Infinispan JDBC CacheStore | 11.0.9.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Infinispan remote CacheStore | 11.0.9.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
infinispan-jboss-marshalling | 11.0.9.Final | Apache License 2.0 | | 4.1.0 | MIT License |
inflight | 1.0.6 | ISC License |
inherits | 2.0.1 | ISC License |
inherits | 2.0.3 | ISC License |
inherits | v2.0.4 | ISC License |
ini | 1.3.5 | MIT License |
iniparse | 0.4 | MIT License |
init-system-helpers | 1.57 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Inquirer.js | 6.5.1 | MIT License |
Integration Common | 18.1.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
integration-bdio | 21.1.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
integration-common | 20.1.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
integration-reporting | 1.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
integration-rest | 1.0.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA) | 1.3.2 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
internal-ip | 4.3.0 | MIT License |
invariant | 2.2.4 | MIT License |
invert-kv | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
Invocation API | 1.6.0.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
io.opentracing.contrib:opentracing-concurrent | 0.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
io.swagger:swagger-annotations | 1.5.21 | Apache License 2.0 |
ip-regex | v2.1.0 | MIT License |
iptables-libs | 1.8.4 | |
ironjacamar-common-api | 1.4.27.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
ironjacamar-common-impl | 1.4.27.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
ironjacamar-core-api | 1.4.27.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
ironjacamar-core-impl | 1.4.27.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
ironjacamar-core-spi | 1.4.27.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
ironjacamar-validator | 1.4.27.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
isaacs/once | 1.4.0 | ISC License |
is-absolute-url | v3.0.3 | MIT License |
is-accessor-descriptor | 0.1.6 | MIT License |
is-accessor-descriptor | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
is-arguments | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
isarray | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
isarray | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
is-arrayish | 0.2.1 | MIT License |
isBinaryFile | 4.0.8 | MIT License |
is-binary-path | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
is-binary-path | v2.1.0 | MIT License |
is-buffer | 1.1.6 | MIT License |
is-callable | 1.1.4 | MIT License |
is-data-descriptor | 0.1.4 | MIT License |
is-data-descriptor | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
is-date-object | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
is-descriptor | 0.1.6 | MIT License |
is-descriptor | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
is-directory | 0.3.1 | MIT License |
isexe | 2.0.0 | ISC License |
is-extendable | 0.1.1 | MIT License |
is-extendable | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
is-extglob | 2.1.1 | MIT License |
is-fullwidth-code-point | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
is-fullwidth-code-point | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
is-fullwidth-code-point | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
is-glob | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
is-glob | 4.0.1 | MIT License |
isl | 0.16.1 | MIT License |
is-number | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
is-number | 7.0.0 | MIT License |
ISO Parser | | Apache License 2.0 |
isobject | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
isobject | 3.0.1 | MIT License |
isodate | 0.6.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
is-path-cwd | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
is-path-cwd | v2.2.0 | MIT License |
is-path-in-cwd | v1.0.1 | MIT License |
is-path-in-cwd | v2.1.0 | MIT License |
is-path-inside | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
is-path-inside | v2.1.0 | MIT License |
is-plain-obj | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
is-plain-object | 2.0.4 | MIT License |
is-regex | 1.0.4 | MIT License |
isstream | 0.1.2 | MIT License |
is-symbol | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
istack common utility code runtime | 3.0.10 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
istack common utility code runtime | 3.0.12 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
istack common utility code runtime | 4.0.0-M3 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
istack-commons-tools | 3.0.10 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
istanbul-api | 2.1.7 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
istanbul-lib-coverage | 2.0.5 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
istanbul-lib-coverage | 3.0.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
istanbul-lib-hook | 2.0.7 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
istanbul-lib-instrument | 3.3.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
istanbul-lib-instrument | 4.0.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
istanbul-lib-report | 2.0.8 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
istanbul-lib-source-maps | 3.0.6 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
istanbul-reports | 2.2.7 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
is-typedarray | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
is-windows | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
is-wsl | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
Itadaki jbzip2 | 0.9.1 | MIT License |
iterative-stratification | 0.1.6 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
itsdangerous | 1.1.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
itsdangerous | 2.0.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
itsdangerous | 1.0.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
J2ObjC Annotations | 1.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | 1.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
JACC 1.5 API | 2.0.0.Final | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Jackcess | jackcess-4.0.0 | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
Jackcess Encrypt | 4.0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jackson dataformats: Binary | 2.12.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jackson dataformats: Binary | 2.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-annotations | 2.11.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-annotations | 2.12.1.redhat-00002 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-annotations | 2.10.2.redhat-00003 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-annotations | 2.13.0-rc2 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-core | 2.11.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-core | 2.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-core | 1.9.13 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-core | 2.10.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-core | 2.12.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-coreutils | 1.6 | (Apache License 2.0 AND GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later) |
jackson-coreutils | 1.8 | (Apache License 2.0 AND GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later) |
jackson-databind | 2.11.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-databind | 2.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-databind | 2.12.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-databind | 2.10.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-databind | 2.12.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-dataformat-yaml | 2.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-dataformat-yaml | 2.9.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jackson-datatype-jdk8 | 2.11.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jackson-datatype-jdk8 | 2.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jackson-Datatype-JSR310 | 2.11.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jackson-Datatype-JSR310 | 2.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jackson-JAXRS-base | 2.11.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jackson-JAXRS-base | 2.11.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jackson-JAXRS-base | 2.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jackson-JAXRS-base | 2.12.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-jaxrs-json-provider | 2.11.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-jaxrs-json-provider | 2.11.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-jaxrs-json-provider | 2.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-jaxrs-json-provider | 2.10.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-module-jaxb-annotations | 2.11.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-module-jaxb-annotations | 2.11.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-module-jaxb-annotations | 1.9.13 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0 AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License) |
jackson-module-jaxb-annotations | 2.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
jackson-module-jaxb-annotations | 2.12.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jackson-module-parameter-names | 2.11.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
jaeger-client | 1.5.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jakarta Annotations API | 1.3.5 | Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
Jakarta Annotations API | 1.3.5 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception OR Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Jakarta Dependency Injection | 1.0.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jakarta SOAP with Attachments API | 1.0.2.Final | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
jakarta.persistence-api | 2.2.3 | (Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
jakarta.xml.bind-api | 2.3.3 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
jakarta.xml.bind-api | 2.3.2 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
jakarta.xml.bind-api | 3.0.0 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
jakarta.xml.soap API | 1.4.2 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
Janome | 0.4.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
jansi | 1.16 | Apache License 2.0 |
jansi | 1.18 | Apache License 2.0 |
jansi-native | 1.7 | Apache License 2.0 |
jansi-native | 1.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
jaraco/zipp | 3.5.0 | MIT License |
jasmine/jasmine | 2.8.0 | MIT License |
jasmine/jasmine | 3.4.0 | MIT License |
jasmine-spec-reporter | 4.2.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
jasminewd | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
jasminewd | 2.2.0 | MIT License |
Jastow | 2.0.9.Final | Public Domain |
Jasypt | 1.9.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Java Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools API core (standalone) | 1.4.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Java Annotation Indexer | 2.2.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Java API for XML Based RPC | 2.0.0.Final | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Java API for XML Web Services | 2.3.1 | (Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 OR Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0) |
Java Architecture for XML Binding | 2.3.0 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1) |
Java Architecture for XML Binding 2.3 | 2.0.1.Final | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers API 1.1 | 1.1.3 | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Java Compiler Tool Support | 1.1.100 | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
Java Concurrency Tools Core Library | 2.1.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Java EE Management 1.1 API | 2.0.0.Final | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Java EE Security API | 1.0.0.redhat-1 | (Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 OR Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0) |
Java Faker | 1.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Java port of GNU getopt | 1.0.13 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
Java Servlet 4.0 API | 2.0.0.Final | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Java Servlet API | 4.0.3 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception OR Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Java Servlet API | 3.1-b09 | Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 |
Java UnRar | 7.4.0 | unRAR License |
Java(TM) API for XML-Based Web Services 2.3 | 2.0.0.Final | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
Java(TM) EE Connector Architecture 1.7 API | 2.0.0.Final | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Java(TM) EE Interceptors 1.2 API | 2.0.0.Final | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Java(TM) Message Service (JMS) 2.0 API | 2.0.0.Final | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
JavaBeans Activation Framework | 1.2.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
JavaBeans Activation Framework | 1.2.2 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
JavaBeans Activation Framework | 1.1.1 | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.0) |
JavaBeans Activation Framework | 1.2.0 | Common Development and Distribution License 1.0 |
JavaBeans Activation Framework | 2.0.0-RC3 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
JavaBeans Activation Framework API jar | 1.2.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
JavaBeans Activation Framework API jar | 1.2.2 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
java-classmate | classmate-1.5.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
JavaCPP Presets for SciPy | 1.5.2-1.5.4 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Apache License 2.0 AND GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
JavaEWAH | 1.1.7 | Apache License 2.0 |
java-libpst | 0.9.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
JavaMail | 1.6.5 | Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
JavaMail | 1.6.7 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception OR Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 OR Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
JavaMail API imap provider | 1.6.5 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception OR Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 OR Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
JavaMail API pop3 provider | 1.6.5 | (Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 OR Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 OR Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
JavaMail API smtp provider | 1.6.5 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception OR Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 OR Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
JavaServer Faces (old SVN location) | 2.3.14.SP04 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
JavaServer(TM) Faces 2.3 API | 3.0.0.SP04 | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Javassist | rel_3_23_2_ga | (Mozilla Public License 1.1 OR GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR Apache License 2.0) |
java-support | 7.3.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Javax Inject from the JSR-330 Expert Group | 1 | Apache License 2.0 |
JAVAX RMI API | 1.0.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
javax.annotation API | 1.3.2 | Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 |
javax.batch-api | 1 | Apache License 2.0 |
javax.ejb API | 3.2.6 | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
javax.enterprise.concurrent-api | 1.1 | (Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 AND Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0) |
javax.interceptor API | 1.2.5 | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
javax.json.bind-api | 1.0.0-RC1 | (Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 AND Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0) | API | 1.1.4 | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
javax.persistence-api | 2.2.0.redhat-1 | (Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 AND Eclipse Public License 1.0) |
javax.transaction API | 2.0.0.Final | Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
javax.transaction API | 1.3.2 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception OR Eclipse Public License 2.0) | | 2.1.1 | Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 |
JAXB CORE | 2.3.0-b170127.1453 | (Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 OR Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0) |
JAXB CORE | 3.0.2-b01 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
JAXB JXC | 2.3.3-b02 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
JAXB OSGi bundle for GlassFish V3 | 3.0.1-b02 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
JAXB Runtime | 2.3.3-b02 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
JAXB Runtime | 2.3.4 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
JAXB Runtime | 3.0.1-b02 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
JAXB XML Binding Code Generator Package | 2.3.3 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
jaxen | 1.1.6 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
jax-rpc-api | 1.1.4 | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
JAX-RS 2.1: The Java(TM) API for RESTful Web Services | 2.0.1.Final | Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | 1.9.13 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR Apache License 2.0) |
JAX-WS API | 2.3.3 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
jberet-core | 1.3.7.Final | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
JBoss ClassLoading 5.0.0 SPI | 7.6.0.Final | Public Domain |
JBoss Common Beans | 2.0.1.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
JBoss Dynamic Model Representation | 1.3.0.Final | Public Domain |
JBoss Dynamic Model Representation | 1.5.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only AND Apache License 2.0) |
JBoss EJB 3 External API | 2.3.0.Final | Public Domain |
JBoss EJB client | 4.0.39.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
JBoss Generic JMS RA JAR | 2.0.9.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss IIOP Client | 1.0.1.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
JBoss Java Authentication SPI for Containers 1.1 API | 2.0.1.Final | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
JBoss Java Server Pages 2.2 API | 2.0.0.Final | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
JBoss Logging 3 | 3.4.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
JBoss Logging 3 | 3.4.2.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
JBoss Marshalling API | 2.0.11.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
JBoss Metadata Appclient | 13.0.0.Final | Public Domain |
JBoss Metadata Client | 13.0.0.Final | Public Domain |
JBoss Metadata EAR | 13.0.0.Final | Public Domain |
JBoss Metadata EJB | 13.0.0.Final | Public Domain |
JBoss Metadata Web | 13.0.0.Final | Public Domain |
JBoss Modular Service Container | 1.4.12.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss Modules | 1.11.0.Final | (Apache License 2.0 AND Indiana University Extreme! Lab Software License) |
JBoss Negotiation | 3.0.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
JBoss Negotiation Common | 3.0.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
JBoss Negotiation NTLM | 3.0.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
JBoss port of sunxacml | 2.0.8.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
JBoss Remoting | 5.0.20.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
JBoss Seam Int JBossAS | 7.0.0.GA | Public Domain |
JBoss Security Identity SPI | 2.0.4 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
JBoss VFS | 3.2.15.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
JBoss Web Services – API | 1.1.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss Web Services – Common | 3.3.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss Web Services – Endorsed factories | 5.4.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss Web Services – SPI | 3.3.1.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss Web Services – Stack CXF JASPI | 5.4.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss Web Services – Stack CXF Resources | 5.4.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss Web Services – Stack CXF Runtime Client | 5.4.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss Web Services – Stack CXF Runtime Server | 5.4.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss Web Services – Stack CXF UDP transport | 5.4.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss Web Services – Stack CXF Undertow http transport | 5.4.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss Web Services – Tools Integration | 1.3.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBoss XACML | 2.0.8.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
JBoss XACML- Assembly | 2.0.8.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
jbossas-core | 7.5.15 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
jbossas-domain | 7.4.2 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
jboss-jaxb-intros | 1.0.3.GA | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
JBossJTA jta module | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBossJTA packaged module | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBossJTS ATX module | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JBossJTS packaged module | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
jboss-logmanager | 2.1.18.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
jboss-stdio | 1.1.0.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
jboss-threads | 2.4.0.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
JBossTS: ArjunaJTS orbportability | 4.17.7.Final-redhat-4 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
jbosstxbridge | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
jbossxts | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | 1.0-1 | Apache License 2.0 |
JCL 1.2 Implemented Over SLF4J | 1.7.30 | Apache License 2.0 |
JCommander Library | 1.81 | Apache License 2.0 |
jemalloc | 5.2.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
jest-worker | 24.9.0 | MIT License |
jest-worker | 26.6.2 | MIT License |
Jetbrains annotations | 13 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jetbrains annotations | 12 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jettison – Json Stax implementation | 1.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server | 9.4.38 | (Apache License 2.0 OR Eclipse Public License 1.0) |
JGit | | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
JGit – Apache sshd-based SSH support | | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
JGroups | jgroups-4.2.11.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
JGroups Azure: Protocols | 1.3.0.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
JHighlight | 1.0.3 | Common Development and Distribution License 1.0 |
Jinja | 3.0.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
jipijapa EclipseLink integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
jipijapa Hibernate 4.1.x + 4.2.x (JPA 2.0) integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
jipijapa Hibernate 4.3.x (JPA 2.1) integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
jipijapa Hibernate 5.3.x (JPA 2.2) integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
jipijapa Hibernate 5.x (JPA 2.1) integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
jipijapa OpenJPA integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
jipijapa SPI | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
JMatIO | 1.5 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
jmespath | 0.10.0 | Apache License 2.0 | | 0.10.0 | MIT License |
Jms | 2.0.3 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
joblib | 0.14.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
joblib | 1.0.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
joblib/threadpoolctl | 2.1.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Joda Time | 2.9.7 | Apache License 2.0 |
Joda Time | 2.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
jonschlinkert/object-copy | 0.1.0 | MIT License |
jose4j | jose4j-0.7.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
jQuery | 3.4.1 | MIT License |
jQuery File Upload | unknown | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
jQuery-Autocomplete | v1.4.1 | MIT License |
jquery-migrate | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
jsbn | 0.1.1 | MIT License |
jsdiff | 3.5.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
jsesc | 0.5.0 | MIT License |
jsesc | v2.5.2 | MIT License |
jshttp/content-type | 1.0.4 | MIT License |
jshttp/fresh | 0.5.2 | MIT License |
jshttp/mime-types | 2.1.24 | MIT License |
JSON 3 | 3.3.3 | MIT License |
JSON library from Android SDK | 0.0.20131108.vaadin1 | Apache License 2.0 |
json5 | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
json5 | v2.2.0 | MIT License |
JSONassert | 1.5.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
JSON-B API | 1.0.2 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
json-c | 0.13.1 | MIT License |
json-glib | 1.4.4 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
JSON-GLib – Serialize and Deserialize JSON | 1.4.4 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
jsonic | 1.2.11 | Apache License 2.0 |
JSONLD Java :: Core | 0.12.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
jsonmerge | 1.7.0 | MIT License |
jsonparse | 1.3.1 | MIT License |
json-parse-better-errors | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
json-parse-even-better-errors | 2.3.1 | MIT License |
json-patch | 1.9 | (Apache License 2.0 AND GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later) |
json-path | 2.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
json-schema | 0.2.3 | |
json-schema-traverse | 0.4.1 | MIT License |
json-simple | 1.1.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
json-smart | 2.4.7 | Apache License 2.0 |
json-smart | 2.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
JSONStream | 1.3.5 | (MIT License OR Apache License 2.0) |
json-stringify-safe | 5.0.1 | ISC License |
jsoup | 1.8.3 | MIT License |
jsoup | jsoup-1.13.1 | MIT License |
jsprim | 1.4.1 | MIT License |
JSR 353 (JSON Processing) API | 1.1.3 | (Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 OR Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0) |
JSR 374 (JSON Processing) API | 1.1.6 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
JSR 374 (JSON Processing) Default Provider | 1.1.6 | Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
JSR 374 (JSON Processing) Default Provider | 1.1.6 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
JSR-181 Maintenance Release 1 | 1.0-MR1 | (Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 OR Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0) |
jsr181-api | 2.1.1 | (Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 AND GNU General Public License v2.0 only) |
js-tokens | 3.0.2 | MIT License |
js-tokens | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
jsvine/pdfplumber | v0.4.1 | MIT License |
jsvine/pdfplumber | v0.5.2 | MIT License |
JS-YAML. Native JS port of PyYAML. | 3.13.1 | MIT License |
jszip | 3.2.2 | MIT License |
JTA 1.1 | 1.0-M1 | Apache License 2.0 |
JUL to SLF4J bridge | 1.7.30 | MIT License |
juliangruber/util-promisify | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
jul-to-slf4j-stub | 1.0.1.Final | Public Domain |
Junit | 4.13.1 | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
Junit | 4.13.2 | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
JUnit Jupiter (Aggregator) | 5.6.3 | Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
juniversalchardet | 1.0.3 | Mozilla Public License 1.1 |
jws-api | 2.1.0 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
karma-chrome-launcher | 2.2.0 | MIT License |
karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter | 2.1.1 | MIT License |
karma-jasmine | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
karma-jasmine-html-reporter | 1.4.2 | MIT License |
karma-runner karma | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
karma-runner karma | v5.0.9 | MIT License |
karma-source-map-support | 1.4.0 | MIT License |
Keras | 2.2.4 | MIT License |
Keras | 2.3.1 | MIT License |
Keras-Applications | 1.0.8 | MIT License |
Keras-Preprocessing | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
Kerby ASN1 Project | 2.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
kernel-latest-powerpc | 4.18.0 | GNU General Public License v2.0 with Exceptions |
keycloak | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Adapter SPI | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Admin CLI | 15.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Admin REST Client | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak AS7 Integration | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
KeyCloak Authz: Client API | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
KeyCloak AuthZ: Common Policy Providers | 15.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Client Registration CLI | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Email FreeMarker | 1.6.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak JS Integration | 15.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Kerberos Federation | 13.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak LDAP Federation | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Model Infinispan | 15.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Model JPA | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Model Naive Map | 15.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak REST Services | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak SAML Core | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak SAML Core Public API | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Server Distribution | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Server Overlay | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Server Private SPI | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Server SPI | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Servlet Filter Adapter Integration | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Servlet Integration | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak SSSD Federation | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak Wildfly Adapter Distro | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak WildFly Add User Script | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak WildFly Extensions | 15.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Keycloak WildFly Server Subsystem | 15.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
keyutils | 1.5.10 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
keyutils-libs | 1.5.10 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
keyutils-libs-devel | 1.5.10 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
killable | 1.0.1 | ISC License |
killbill-platform-test | 0.40.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
kimmobrunfeldt/progressbar.js | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
kind-of | 3.2.2 | MIT License |
kind-of | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
kind-of | 5.1.0 | MIT License |
kind-of | 6.0.2 | MIT License |
kiwi-c++ | 1.3.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
kk-color-name | 1.1.3 | MIT License |
kk-color-name | 1.1.4 | MIT License |
kmeanstf | 0.8.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
kmod-libs | 25 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
kombu | 4.6.8 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
kombu | 5.1.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
kombu | v5.0.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
konoha | 4.6.5 | MIT License |
Kotlin Stdlib | 1.3.41 | Apache License 2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib | 1.3.31 | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin-reflect | 1.3.31 | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin-stdlib-common | 1.3.41 | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin-stdlib-common | 1.3.31 | Apache License 2.0 |
krb5/krb5 | 1.18.2 | Krb5-MIT License |
krb5-libs | 1.18.2 | MIT License |
kriskowal’s q | 1.4.1 | MIT License |
KUBE_PING | 1.0.15.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
langdetect | 1.0.9 | MIT License |
langpacks-en | 1 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
LanguageDetector | 0.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
lcid | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
LearnBoost/ | 3.5.2 | MIT License |
LessCss | 3.9.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
less-loader | 5.0.0 | MIT License |
leven | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
levenary | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
libaio | 0.3.112 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
libapt-pkg6.0 | 2.0.2ubuntu0.2 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
libarchive | 3.3.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
libassuan | 2.5.1 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
libcap-dev | 2.26 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
libcap-ng | 0.7.9 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
libcap-ng | 0.7.9 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libcomerr2 | 1.45.6 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later OR BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libcomps | 0.1.11 | GNU General Public License v2.0 only |
libcrypt1 | 4.4.10 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
libcrypt-dev | 4.4.10 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
libctf0 | 2.34 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
libctf-nobfd0 | 2.34 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
libctf-nobfd0 | | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
libdb | 5.3.28 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND Sleepycat License AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License) |
libdnf | 0.55.0 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
libexpat | 2.2.5 | MIT License |
libfdisk | 2.32.1 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
libffi | 3.1 | MIT License |
libffi | 3.3 | MIT License |
libffi | 3.3~rc0 | MIT License |
libffi7 | 3.3 | (MIT License OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libgcc | 8.4.1 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND GNU General Public License v3.0 with Exceptions AND GNU General Public License v2.0 with Exceptions AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
libgcc-s1 | 10.3.0 | GNU General Public License v2.0 w/GCC Runtime Library exception |
libgcc-s1 | 10.2.0 | GNU General Public License v2.0 w/GCC Runtime Library exception |
libgcrypt | 1.8.5 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR Public Domain OR GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libgdbm | v1.18 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
libgpg-error | 1.31 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND FSF Unlimited License AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libgpg-error | 1.37 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libhogweed5 | 3.5.1+really3.5.1 | License Not Found |
libhogweed5 | 3.5.1+really3.5.1 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libibverbs | 32 | (BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libibverbs-dev | 32 | (BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License OR GNU General Public License v2.0 only) |
Libidn | 2.3.0 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
Libidn | 2.2.0 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
libidn2 | 2.2.0 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
libisl22 | 0.22.1 | MIT License |
libisl22 | 0.22 | MIT License |
libksba | 1.3.5 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
libksba | 1.6.0 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
libmetalink | 0.1.3 | MIT License |
libmodulemd | 2.9.4 | MIT License |
libmpc | 1.1.0 | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
libnettle7 | 3.5.1+really3.5.1 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
libnghttp2 | 1.33.0 | MIT License |
libnsl2 | 1.2.0 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License) |
libp11-kit0 | 0.23.20 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
libpcap | 1.9.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
libpkgconf | 1.4.2 | ISC License |
libplexus-utils | 3.0.24 | Apache License 2.0 |
libprocps8 | 3.3.16 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
libpsl | 0.20.2 | MIT License |
libpsl | 0.21.0 | MIT License |
libpwquality | 1.4.4 | (BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libreport-filesystem | 2.9.5 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
librhsm | 0.0.3 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
libselinux | 2.9 | Public Domain |
libsemanage | 2.9 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
libsemanage1 | 3 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libsepol | 2.9 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
libsepol | 3 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libsigsegv | 2.11 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
libss | 1.45.5 | MIT Historical Permission License 3 |
libssh | 0.9.4 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License) |
libssh-config | 0.9.4 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
libstdc++ | 8.4.1 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND GNU General Public License v3.0 with Exceptions AND GNU General Public License v2.0 with Exceptions AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
libstdc++6 | 10.1.0 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
libstdc++-devel | 8.4.1 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND GNU General Public License v3.0 with Exceptions AND GNU General Public License v2.0 with Exceptions AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
Libtasn1 | 4.13 | (GNU General Public License v3.0 only OR GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later) |
Libtasn1 | 4.16.0 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
libtirpc | 1.1.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
libunistring | 0.9.9 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libunistring | 0.9.10 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
libusb | 1.0.23 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
libuser | 0.62 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
libutempter | 1.1.6 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
libverto-glib1 | 0.3.0 | MIT License |
libxcrypt | 4.1.1 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND Public Domain) |
libxcrypt-devel | 4.1.1 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND Public Domain) |
libxml2 | 2.9.7 | MIT License |
LibYAML | 0.1.7 | MIT License |
libzstd | 1.4.4 | (BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
license-webpack-plugin | 2.1.2 | ISC License |
lime | | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
Linux Extended Attributes | 2.4.48 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
Linux-Pam | 1.3.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Linux-Pam | 1.1.8 | (BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
LiquiBase | 3.5.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
LittleProxy | 2.0.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
ljharb/object.assign | 4.1.2 | MIT License |
loader-runner | 2.4.0 | MIT License |
loader-utils | 1.2.3 | MIT License |
loader-utils | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
locate-path | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
locate-path | v5.0.0 | MIT License |
Lodash | 4.17.21 | MIT License |
lodash.clonedeep | 4.5.0 | MIT License |
Log4J API | 2.13.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Log4J API | 2.14.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Log4J API | 2.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Log4J API | 2.14.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
log4j2-jboss-logmanager | 1.0.0.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
log4j-jboss-logmanager | 1.2.0.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
log4js-node | 6.3.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Logback | 1.2.3 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only OR Eclipse Public License 1.0) |
loglevel | 1.7.1 | MIT License |
logsave | 1.45.5 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later OR BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
Lombok Annotations | 1.18.20 | MIT License |
loose-envify | 1.4.0 | MIT License |
lsb | 11.1.0ubuntu2 | GNU General Public License v2.0 only |
lsb | 11.1.0ubuntu1 | GNU General Public License v2.0 only |
lua-libs | 5.3.4 | MIT License |
Lucene Analyzers | 5.5.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
Lucene Facets | 5.5.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
Lucene Memory | 5.5.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
Lucene Miscellaneous | 5.5.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
Lucene Queries | 5.5.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
Lucene Query Parser | 5.5.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
lvis | 0.5.3 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
lxml | 4.6.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
lz4 | 1.9.2 | (BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License OR GNU General Public License v2.0 only) |
lz4-libs | 1.8.3 | (BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
mafintosh/pump | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
mafintosh/pump | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
magen-ingestion-service | 1.0a2 | Apache License 2.0 |
MagicStack/immutables | V0.15 | Apache License 2.0 |
magic-string | 0.25.3 | MIT License |
make | 4.2.1 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
make | 4.2.1 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
make-dir | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
make-dir | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
make-error | 1.3.5 | ISC License |
make-fetch-happen | 5.0.2 | ISC License |
Mako | 1.1.4 | MIT License |
Mako | 1.0.7 | MIT License |
mamacro | 0.0.3 | MIT License |
man-pages | 5.05 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
map-age-cleaner | 0.1.3 | MIT License |
map-cache | 0.2.2 | MIT License |
map-visit | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
marcotcr/lime | | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
MarkupSafe | 1.1.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
MarkupSafe | 2.0.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Material Design for Angular | 8.2.1 | MIT License |
materialize | 0.98.0 | MIT License |
materialize | 0.100.2 | MIT License |
mathiasbynens/regenerate | 1.4.0 | MIT License |
matplotlib | v3.3.4 | MATPLOTLIB License 1.3.0 or Later |
matplotlib | v3.3.3 | MATPLOTLIB License 1.3.0 or Later |
Maven Invoker | 3.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
mawk | | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
mchange-commons-java | 0.2.19 | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
md5.js | 1.3.5 | MIT License |
media-typer | 0.3.0 | MIT License |
mem | 4.3.0 | MIT License |
memory-fs | 0.4.1 | MIT License |
merge2 | 1.4.1 | MIT License |
merge-descriptors | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
merge-source-map | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
Merge-Stream | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
metadata-extractor | 2.15.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
method-analyzer-core | 0.1.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
methods | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
mher/flower | v0.9.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
micromatch | 3.1.10 | MIT License |
micromatch | 4.0.4 | MIT License |
micromatch/braces | 2.3.2 | MIT License |
micromatch/braces | 3.0.2 | MIT License |
MicroProfile Config API | 2 | Apache License 2.0 |
MicroProfile Health API | 3 | Apache License 2.0 |
MicroProfile JWT Auth API | 1.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
MicroProfile Metrics API | 3 | Apache License 2.0 |
MicroProfile OpenAPI API | 2 | Apache License 2.0 |
MicroProfile Opentracing API | 2 | Apache License 2.0 |
MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators Core | 1.0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
MicroProfile Rest Client API | 2 | Apache License 2.0 |
microProfile-fault-tolerance-api | 3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Microsoft Windows Azure Storage Client SDK | 8.6.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
microsoft-translator-java-api | 0.6.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
mikeal/aws-sign | 0.7.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
mikeal/oauth-sign | 0.9.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
miller-rabin | 4.0.1 | MIT License |
mime | 1.6.0 | MIT License |
mime | 2.5.2 | MIT License |
MIME4J | 0.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
MIME4J | 0.8.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
mime-db | 1.49.0 | MIT License |
mime-db | v1.40.0 | MIT License |
mimic-fn | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
mini-css-extract-plugin | 0.8.0 | MIT License |
minimalistic-assert | 1.0.1 | ISC License |
minimalistic-crypto-utils | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
minimatch | 3.0.4 | ISC License |
minimist | 0.0.10 | MIT License |
minimist | 0.0.8 | MIT License |
minimist | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
minimist | 1.2.5 | MIT License |
minio | 5.0.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
minio | 6.0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
minio | 7.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
minipass | 2.3.5 | ISC License |
minipass | v2.9.0 | ISC License |
minipass | v3.1.3 | ISC License |
minipass-collect | 1.0.2 | ISC License |
minipass-flush | 1.0.5 | ISC License |
minipass-pipeline | 1.2.4 | ISC License |
minizlib | 1.2.1 | MIT License |
minizlib | v1.3.3 | MIT License |
minizlib | v2.1.2 | MIT License |
mississippi | 3.0.0 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
mixin-deep | 1.3.2 | MIT License |
mlflow | 1.10.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
mlflow | 1.8.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
mlflow | 1.15.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Mockito | v3.3.3 | MIT License |
mockito-junit-jupiter | 3.3.3 | MIT License |
mod_cluster: Load SPI | 1.4.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
mod_cluster-container-spi | 1.4.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
mod_cluster-core | 1.4.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
models | 2.3.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
models | v1.12.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
move-concurrently | 1.0.1 | ISC License |
mpc | 1.1.0 | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
mpld3 | 0.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
ms.js | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
ms.js | 2.1.1 | MIT License |
ms.js | 2.1.2 | MIT License |
ms.js | 2.1.3 | MIT License |
msgpack-python | 1.0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
msg-simple | 1.1 | (Apache License 2.0 OR GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later) |
msrest | 0.6.21 | MIT License |
multicast-dns | 6.2.3 | MIT License |
multicast-dns-service-types | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
multiple-select | 1.2.1 | MIT License |
murmurhash | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
murmurhash | 1.0.5 | MIT License |
mute-stream | 0.0.8 | ISC License |
myproxy-libs | 6.2.8 | (University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License AND Apache License 2.0 AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License) |
nan | v2.14.0 | MIT License |
nanomatch | 1.2.13 | MIT License |
Narayana: ArjunaJTA cdi | 5.11.0.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
Narayana: ArjunaJTA jdbc | 5.10.5.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
Narayana: ArjunaJTA JMS | 5.9.0.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
Narayana: compensations | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
ncurses | 6.1 | MIT v2 with Ad Clause License |
ncurses | 6.2 | MIT v2 with Ad Clause License |
ncurses-libs | 6.1 | MIT License |
Negotiator | 0.6.2 | MIT License |
neo-async | 2.6.2 | MIT License |
NetCDF | 4.3.23 | NetCDF license |
netCDF-4 IOSP JNI connection to C library | 4.5.5 | NetCDF license |
Netlink Protocol Library Suite (libnl) | 3.5.0 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
netroy/image-size | 0.5.5 | MIT License |
nettle | 3.4.1 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
Nettle | 3.4.1 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
Netty Project | netty-4.1.63.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Redis | 4.1.63.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
Netty/Codec/SMTP | 4.1.48.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue | 4.1.63.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common | 4.1.63.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
netty-xnio-transport | 0.1.9.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
NetworkX | 2.5.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
NetworkX | 2.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
NetworkX | networkx-2.5 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
ng-antd-cli | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
ngx-socket-io | 3.4.0 | MIT License |
nice-try | 1.0.5 | MIT License |
node-assert-plus | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
node-browserify-des | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
node-browserstack | v1.5.3 | MIT License |
nodeca/pako | 1.0.10 | MIT License |
node-chardet | v0.7.0 | MIT License |
node-commondir | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
node-concat-map | 0.0.1 | MIT License |
node-cookie | 0.4.1 | MIT License |
node-cookie | v0.4.0 | MIT License |
node-cookie-signature | 1.0.6 | MIT License |
node-cross-spawn | 6.0.5 | MIT License |
node-dashdash | 1.14.1 | MIT License |
node-deep-equal | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
node-di | 0.0.1 | MIT License |
node-error-ex | 1.3.2 | MIT License |
node-external-editor | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
node-fetch-npm | v2.0.4 | MIT License |
node-fileset | 2.0.3 | MIT License |
node-forge | 0.10.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
node-glob | 7.0.6 | ISC License |
node-glob | 7.1.7 | ISC License |
node-glob | v7.1.3 | ISC License |
node-glob | v7.1.4 | ISC License |
node-graceful-fs | v4.2.2 | ISC License |
node-graceful-fs | v4.2.6 | ISC License |
node-html-entities | 1.4.0 | MIT License |
node-http-signature | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
node-ip | 1.1.5 | MIT License |
nodejs Deprecate | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
nodejs/string_decoder | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
nodejs-asn1 | 0.2.4 | MIT License |
nodejs-exit | 0.1.2 | MIT License |
node-jsonfile | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
node-libs-browser | v2.2.1 | MIT License |
node-lru-cache | 5.1.1 | ISC License |
node-lru-cache | 6.0.0 | ISC License |
node-mkdirp | 0.5.1 | MIT License |
node-mkdirp | 0.5.5 | MIT License |
node-mkdirp | 1.0.4 | MIT License |
node-open | 6.4.0 | MIT License |
node-optimist | 0.6.1 | MIT License |
node-pre-gyp | 0.12.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
node-process | 0.11.10 | MIT License |
node-promise-retry | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
node-releases | 1.1.73 | MIT License |
node-semver | 5.7.0 | ISC License |
node-semver | 5.7.1 | ISC License |
node-semver | 6.3.0 | ISC License |
node-semver | 7.0.0 | ISC License |
node-source-map-support | 0.4.18 | MIT License |
node-source-map-support | 0.5.12 | MIT License |
node-source-map-support | v0.5.13 | MIT License |
node-url | 0.11.0 | MIT License |
node-uuid | 3.3.3 | MIT License |
node-uuid | 3.4.0 | MIT License |
node-worker-farm | v1.7.0 | MIT License |
node-xml2js | 0.4.22 | MIT License |
nopt | 4.0.1 | MIT License |
normalize-package-data | 2.5.0 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
normalize-path | 2.1.1 | MIT License |
normalize-path | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
normalize-range | 0.1.2 | MIT License |
npm-bundled | 1.0.6 | ISC License |
npm-bundled | 1.1.2 | ISC License |
npmlog | 4.1.2 | ISC License |
npm-normalize-package-bin | 1.0.1 | ISC License |
npm-package-arg | 6.1.0 | ISC License |
npm-packlist | 1.4.1 | ISC License |
npm-packlist | 1.4.8 | ISC License |
npm-pick-manifest | 2.2.3 | ISC License |
npm-pick-manifest | 3.0.2 | ISC License |
npm-registry-fetch | 4.0.7 | ISC License |
npm-run-path | 2.0.2 | MIT License |
npth | 1.5 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
null-check | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
num2fraction | 1.2.2 | MIT License |
number-is-nan | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
NumPy | v1.19.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
NumPy | v1.19.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
NumPy | v1.18.5 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
nvidia-ml-py3 | 7.352.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Object Construction Type Qualifiers | 0.1.9 | MIT License |
object.getownpropertydescriptors | 2.0.3 | MIT License |
object.pick | 1.3.0 | MIT License |
object-assign | 4.1.1 | MIT License |
object-inspect | 1.6.0 | MIT License |
object-is | 1.1.5 | MIT License |
object-keys | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
object-visit | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
objenesis | 2.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
obuf | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
Ogg and Vorbis for Java, Core | 0.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
OkHttp | 4.1.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
OkHttp | 3.9.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
OkIO | 2.2.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
OkIO | 1.13.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
OlafenwaMoses/ImageAI | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
OlafenwaMoses/ImageAI | 2.1.2 | MIT License |
OlafenwaMoses/ImageAI | essentials-v5 | MIT License |
on-finished | 2.3.0 | MIT License |
on-headers | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
Open JSON | 1.0.12 | Apache License 2.0 |
Open Metadata Types | 2.9 | (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 AND Apache License 2.0) |
opencsv | 2.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
opencv-python | | MIT License |
opencv-python | | MIT License |
OpenJDK ORB | 8.1.5.Final | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
OpenLDAP | 2.4.46 | Open LDAP Public License v2.8 |
OpenNLP Tools | 1.9.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
openpyxl | 3.0.7 | MIT License |
OpenSAML 2.0 | 3.3.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
OpenShift Java REST Client | 8.1.2.Final | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
OpenShift Java REST Client | 7.0.0.Final | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
OpenShift Java REST Client | 8.0.0.Final | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
OpenSSL | 1.1.1g | (SSLeay License AND The Open SSL License) |
OpenSSL | 1.1.1f | (SSLeay License AND The Open SSL License) |
openSUSE libsolv | 0.7.16 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
OpenTelemetry | 0.16.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
OpenTelemetry Java | 0.16.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
OpenTracing API | 0.33.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
opentracing-interceptors | 0.1.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
opentracing-jaxrs2 | 1.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
OpenTracing-noop | 0.33.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
OpenTracing-util | 0.33.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
opentracing-web-servlet-filter | 0.2.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Openwall crypt_blowfish | 4.1.2 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND Public Domain) |
opn | v5.5.0 | MIT License |
opt-einsum | 3.3.0 | MIT License |
org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api | 1.1.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
org.brotli:dec | 0.1.2 | MIT License |
org.eclipse.yasson | 1.0.5 | (Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 AND Eclipse Public License 1.0) |
org.glassfish.jakarta.enterprise.concurrent | 1.1.1 | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
org.glassfish.javax.enterprise.concurrent | 1 | (Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 AND Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0) |
org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 | 1.3.31 | Apache License 2.0 |
org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 | 1.3.31 | Apache License 2.0 |
org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api | 5.6.3 | Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine | 5.6.3 | Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-params | 5.6.3 | Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
org.junit.platform:junit-platform-commons | 1.6.3 | Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
org.junit.platform:junit-platform-engine | 1.6.3 | Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
org.opentest4j:opentest4j | 1.2.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
org.tallison:metadata-extractor | | Apache License 2.0 |
org.xmlunit:xmlunit-core | 2.7.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
original | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
os-browserify | 0.3.0 | MIT License |
osenv | 0.1.5 | ISC License |
os-homedir | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
os-locale | v3.1.0 | MIT License |
os-tmpdir | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
overrides | 3.1.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer | release-20191001.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
p11-kit | 0.23.22 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
p11-kit | 0.23.20 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Packaging | 21 | (BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License OR Apache License 2.0) |
pacote | 9.5.5 | MIT License |
pandas | 1.0.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
pandas | 1.1.5 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
parallel-transform | v1.2.0 | MIT License |
parse5 | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
parse5 | 5.1.0 | MIT License |
parse-asn1 | 5.1.6 | ISC License |
parse-json | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
parseqs | 0.0.6 | MIT License |
parseuri | 0.0.6 | MIT License |
parseurl | 1.3.3 | MIT License |
parso | 2.0.14 | Apache License 2.0 |
pascalcase | 0.1.1 | MIT License |
passwd | 0.8 | (GNU General Public License v1.0 or later OR BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License) |
path-browserify | 0.0.1 | MIT License |
path-dirname | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
path-exists | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
path-exists | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
pathflow-mixmatch | 0.1 | MIT License |
path-is-absolute | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
path-is-inside | 1.0.2 | (MIT License OR Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License) |
path-key | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
path-parse | 1.0.6 | MIT License |
path-to-regexp | 0.1.7 | MIT License |
path-type | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
pbandk-protos | 0.10.0 | MIT License |
pciutils | 3.7.0 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
pciutils-libs | 3.7.0 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
PCRE | 8.42 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
PCRE | 8.39 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
PCRE2 | 10.32 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
PCRE2 | 10.34 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
p-defer | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
pdf2image | 1.14.0 | MIT License |
PDFBox JBIG2 ImageIO plugin | 3.0.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
pdfminer.six | 20200517 | (X11 License OR MIT License) |
pdfplumber | 0.5.27 | MIT License |
pdf-reader | 2.4.2 | MIT License |
performance-now | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
Perl | 5.30.0 | (GNU General Public License v1.0 or later OR Artistic License 1.0 (Perl)) |
p-finally | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
phone-home-client | 2.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Picketbox | 5.0.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
Picketbox Commons | | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
PicketBox Identity Implementation | 5.0.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
PicketBox Identity SPI | 5.0.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
Picketbox Infinispan | 5.0.3.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
PicketLink API | 2.5.5.SP12 | Apache License 2.0 |
PicketLink Common | 2.5.5.SP12 | Apache License 2.0 |
PicketLink Config | 2.5.5.SP12 | Apache License 2.0 |
PicketLink Distribution – WildFly8 | 2.5.5.SP12 | Apache License 2.0 |
PicketLink Federation Core | 2.5.5.SP12 | Apache License 2.0 |
PicketLink Federation XML Security Model | | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
PicketLink Identity Management – Simple JPA Entity Model | 2.5.5.SP12 | Apache License 2.0 |
PicketLink Identity Management Implementation | 2.5.5.SP12 | Apache License 2.0 |
PicketLink IDM API | 2.5.5.SP12 | Apache License 2.0 |
PicketLink Main Implementation | 2.5.5.SP12 | Apache License 2.0 |
picketlink-idm-simple-schema | 2.7.1 | (Apache License 2.0 AND W3C Software Notice and License (2002-12-31)) |
picomatch | 2.3.0 | MIT License |
pify | 2.3.0 | MIT License |
pify | 4.0.1 | MIT License |
pinkie-promise | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
pip | 9.0.3 | MIT License |
pip | 21.1.2 | MIT License |
p-is-promise | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
pkgconf | 1.4.2 | ISC License |
pkgconf-m4 | 1.4.2 | GNU General Public License v2.0 with Exceptions |
pkgconf-pkg-config | 1.4.2 | ISC License |
pkg-dir | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
pkg-dir | 4.2.0 | MIT License |
pkg-up | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
plac | 1.1.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
platform-python | 3.6.8 | Python Software Foundation License 2.0 |
platform-python-setuptools | 39.2.0 | MIT License |
Plexus | 1.7 | Apache License 2.0 |
p-limit | 2.2.1 | MIT License |
p-limit | 2.3.0 | MIT License |
p-limit | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
p-locate | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
p-locate | 4.1.0 | MIT License |
p-map | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
p-map | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
polaris-common | 0.20.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
polaris-common-api | 0.0.14 | Apache License 2.0 |
polaris-nodeoracledb-upgrade | 2.9.1 | ISC License |
polyv-java-sdk-common | 1.0.13 | Apache License 2.0 |
popper.js | 1.15.0 | MIT License |
popt | 1.18 | Alternative Commercial License Available |
portfinder | 1.0.28 | MIT License |
posix-character-classes | 0.1.1 | MIT License |
PostCSS | 7.0.17 | MIT License |
postcss-import | 12.0.1 | MIT License |
postcss-load-config | 2.1.2 | MIT License |
postcss-loader | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
postcss-value-parser | 3.3.1 | MIT License |
postcss-value-parser | 4.1.0 | MIT License |
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver (pgjdbc) | 42.2.18 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
prepend-http | 1.0.4 | MIT License |
preshed | 3.0.2 | MIT License |
preshed | 3.0.5 | MIT License |
p-retry | 3.0.1 | MIT License |
process-nextick-args | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
process-nextick-args | v2.0.1 | MIT License |
Procps | 3.3.15 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
Procps | 3.3.16 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
Project Lombok | 1.18.16 | MIT License |
Project Lombok | 1.18.20 | MIT License |
prometheus-flask-exporter | 0.18.2 | MIT License |
promise-inflight | 1.0.1 | ISC License |
prompt-toolkit/python-prompt-toolkit | 3.0.19 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
protobuf | 3.15.6 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
protobuf | 3.17.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
protobuf | 3.17.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
protobuf | 3.18.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
protobuf | 3.15.7 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
protobuf | 3.12.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Protocol Buffer Java API | 3.15.0-rc-2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Protocol Buffers | 3.17.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Protocol Buffers | 3.18.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
protoduck | 5.0.1 | MIT License |
ProtoStream serializers for protobuf | 4.3.5.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Protractor | 5.4.2 | MIT License |
proxy-addr | 2.0.7 | MIT License |
prr | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
psl | 1.4.0 | MIT License |
psycopg | 2_8_4 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later OR Zope Public License 2.1) |
psycopg | 2.8.6 | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later |
p-try | 2.2.0 | MIT License |
Public Suffix List | 20200303 | Mozilla Public License 2.0 |
public-encrypt | v4.0.3 | MIT License |
publicsuffix-list-dafsa | 20180723 | Mozilla Public License 2.0 |
pumpify | 1.5.1 | MIT License |
Punycode.js | 1.3.2 | MIT License |
Punycode.js | 1.4.1 | MIT License |
Punycode.js | v2.1.1 | MIT License |
Puppet Beaker | 1.11.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
py3-alembic | 1.5.5 | MIT License |
py3-blis | 0.4.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
py3-cymem | 2.0.5 | MIT License |
py3-flask-migrate | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
py3-murmurhash | 1.0.5 | MIT License |
py3-requests-toolbelt | 0.8.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
py3-scikit-learn | 0.24.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
py3-sniffio | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
py3-spacy | 2.3.2 | MIT License |
py3-srsly | 0.2.0 | MIT License |
py3-thinc | 7.4.1 | MIT License |
py3-typing-extensions | | Python Software Foundation License 2.0 |
py3-wasabi | 0.7.1 | MIT License |
py3-wasabi-doc | 0.4.2 | MIT License |
py-amqp | 2.5.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
py-amqp | v5.0.6 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
pyca/cryptography | 3.3.2 | (Apache License 2.0 OR BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License) |
pyca/cryptography | 3.4.7 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
pyca/cryptography | 3.4.7 | (Apache License 2.0 OR BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License) |
pycocotools | 2.0.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
py-configparser | 3.7.3 | MIT License |
pycparser | 2.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
pycparser | 2.17 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
pycparser | 2.19 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
pycryptodome | v3.9.8 | (Apache License 2.0 AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND Public Domain) |
pycryptodome | v3.10.1 | (BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License AND Public Domain) |
pycryptodome | 3.9.7 | Public Domain |
pycryptodomex | 3.9.7 | (BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License AND Public Domain) |
Py-FileLock | 3.0.12 | MIT License |
py-future | 0.17.0 | MIT License |
pygtk2 | 3.28.2 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
Py-h2 | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
Pyinotify | 0.9.6 | MIT License |
py-kiwisolver | 1.3.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Pyparsing | 2.4.7 | MIT License |
PyPDF2 | 1.26.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
pypi/setuptools | 37.0.0 | MIT License |
pypi/setuptools | 39.2.0 | (Python Software Foundation License 2.0 OR Zope Public License 2.0) |
pypi/setuptools | 40.6.2 | Python Software Foundation License 2.0 |
pypi/setuptools | 58.0.2 | MIT License |
pypi/setuptools | 57.5.0 | MIT License |
pypi/setuptools | 57.4.0 | MIT License |
pypi-zope.interface | 5.4.0 | Zope Public License 2.1 |
py-pycryptodome | 3.7.3 | (BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License OR The Unlicense) |
py-pycryptodome | 3.9.8 | (BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License OR The Unlicense) |
py-pycryptodome | 3.9.9 | (BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License OR The Unlicense) |
py-rsa | 4.7 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Py-rsa | 4.7.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
pyrsistent | 0.16.0 | MIT License |
pyrsistent | 0.18.0 | MIT License |
PySocks | 1.7.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
py-sqlalchemy-utils | 0.32.12 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
pytesseract | 0.3.7 | Apache License 2.0 |
Python Pillow | 8.3.2 | Historic Permission Notice and Disclaimer |
Python Pillow | 8.2.0 | Historic Permission Notice and Disclaimer |
Python programming language | 3.6.8 | Python Software Foundation License 2.0 |
Python programming language | 3.6.1 | Python Software Foundation License 2.0 |
Python six | 1.15.0 | MIT License |
Python six | 1.16.0 | MIT License |
Python six | 1.11.0 | MIT License |
Python six | 1.13.0 | MIT License |
python3-async-generator | 1.1 | MIT License |
python3-chardet | 3.0.4 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
python3-contextvars | 2.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
python3-cx-oracle | 7.3.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
python3-dateutil | 2.6.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
python3-dbus | 1.2.4 | MIT License |
python3-decorator | 4.2.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
python3-dmidecode | 3.12.2 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
python3-dnf | 4.4.2 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 or later AND GNU General Public License v3.0 or later) |
python3-dnf-plugins-core | 4.0.18 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
python3-ethtool | 0.14 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
python3-gobject-base | 3.28.3 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND MIT License) |
python3-gobject-base | 3.27.1 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND MIT License) |
python3-hawkey | 0.55.0 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
python3-hawkey | 0.9.2 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
python3-idna | 2.5 | (Unicode License AND Python Software Foundation License 2.0 AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License) |
python3-iniparse | 0.4 | (Python Software Foundation License 2.0 AND MIT License) |
python3-inotify | 0.9.6 | MIT License |
python3-libcomps | 0.1.11 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
python3-libcomps | 0.1.8 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
python3-libdnf | 0.55.0 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
python3-librepo | 1.12.0 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
python3-librepo | 1.8.0 | GNU Library General Public License v2 or later |
python3-libs | 3.6.8 | Python Software Foundation License 2.0 |
python3-libs | 3.6.5 | Python Software Foundation License 2.0 |
python3-libxml2 | 2.9.7 | MIT License |
python3-pip-wheel | 9.0.3 | (Python Software Foundation License 2.0 AND GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND MIT License AND ISC License AND Apache License 2.0 AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND Mozilla Public License 2.0) |
python3-pysocks | 1.6.8 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
python3-requests | 2.20.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
python3-rpm | 4.14.3 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
python3-setuptools | 39.2.0 | MIT License |
python3-setuptools | 57.0.0 | MIT License |
python3-setuptools-wheel | 39.2.0 | MIT License |
python3-six | 1.11.0 | MIT License |
python3-six | 1.16.0 | Expat License |
python3-subscription-manager-rhsm | 1.28.13 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
python3-syspurpose | 1.28.13 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
python3-threadpoolctl | 2.0.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
python3-urllib3 | 1.24.2 | MIT License |
python-anyio | 3.3.0 | Expat License |
python-astor | 0.8.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
python-certifi | 2020.4.5.1 | Mozilla Public License 2.0 |
python-certifi | 2021.5.30 | Mozilla Public License 2.0 |
python-charset-normalizer | 2.0.4 | MIT License |
python-dateutil | 2.8.1 | (Apache License 2.0 AND BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License) |
python-dateutil | 2.6.1 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
python-dateutil | 2.8.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
python-dcrpm | 0.6.2 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
python-ecdsa | 0.17.0 | MIT License |
python-ecdsa | 0.18.0b1 | MIT License |
python-ecdsa | python-ecdsa-0.14.1 | MIT License |
python-editor | 1.0.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
python-ethtool | 0.14 | GNU General Public License v2.0 only |
python-flask-restplus | 0.13.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
python-ftfy | 6.0.3 | MIT License |
python-future | 0.18.2 | MIT License |
python-hyperframe | 6.0.1 | MIT License |
python-imaging | 8.2.0 | Diffstat License |
python-itsdangerous | 2.0.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
python-jose | 3.3.0 | MIT License |
python-jose | 2.0.2 | MIT License |
python-jose | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
python-jose | 3.2.0 | MIT License |
python-jsonschema | 3.2.0 | MIT License |
python-keycloak | 0.23.0 | MIT License |
python-keycloak | 0.25.0 | MIT License |
python-magic | 0.4.15 | MIT License |
python-magic | 0.4.22 | MIT License |
Python-Markdown | 3.2.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Python-Markdown | 3.3.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
python-pathtools | 0.1.2 | Expat License |
python-plac | 0.9.6 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
python-pyparsing | 2.4.7 | MIT License |
python-requests-futures | 1.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
python-rfc3986 | 1.5.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Python-RSA | 4.7.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
python-s3transfer | 0.5.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
python-typing-extensions | | Python Software Foundation License 2.0 |
python-typing-extensions | | Python Software Foundation License 2.0 |
python-webencodings | 0.5.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
python-wheel | 0.37.0 | MIT License |
pytorch | 1.7.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
PyTZ – Python Time Zone Library | 2020.1 | MIT License |
PyTZ – Python Time Zone Library | 2021.1 | MIT License |
PyWavelets | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
pywavelets | 1.1.1 | MIT License |
pywin32 | 227 | Python Software Foundation License 2.0 |
PyYAML | 5.4.1 | MIT License |
PyYAML | 5.4 | MIT License |
pyzbar | 0.1.8 | MIT License |
Qix-/color-convert | 1.9.3 | MIT License |
Qix-/color-convert | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
qjobs | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
qpid-proton | 0.33.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
qs – QS Querystring | 6.5.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
qs – QS Querystring | v6.7.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
qTip2 | 2.2.0 | MIT License |
Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler | 2.3.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
query-string | v4.3.4 | MIT License |
querystring-es3 | 0.2.1 | MIT License |
querystringify | 2.2.0 | MIT License |
queue-microtask | 1.2.3 | MIT License |
randombytes | 1.0.4 | MIT License |
randombytes | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
range-parser | v1.2.1 | MIT License |
raw-body | 2.4.0 | MIT License |
raw-loader | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
rdma-core | 32 | (BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
rdma-core | 35 | (BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
reactive-streams | v1.0.3 | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
ReactiveX RxJS | 6.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
readable-stream | 2.3.6 | MIT License |
readable-stream | 3.6.0 | MIT License |
read-cache | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
readdirp | 2.2.1 | MIT License |
readdirp | 3.6.0 | MIT License |
readdir-scoped-modules | 1.1.0 | ISC License |
Readline | 7 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
read-package-json | 2.1.2 | ISC License |
read-package-tree | v5.3.1 | ISC License |
redhat-release | 8.4 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
redis-py | 3.5.2 | MIT License |
reflect-metadata | 0.1.13 | Apache License 2.0 |
regenerate-unicode-properties | 8.2.0 | MIT License |
regenerator-runtime | 0.13.3 | MIT License |
regenerator-runtime | 0.13.9 | MIT License |
regenerator-transform | 0.14.5 | MIT License |
regex | 2021.7.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
regex-not | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
regexp.prototype.flags | 1.3.1 | MIT License |
regexpu-core | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
regexpu-core | 4.7.1 | MIT License |
regjsgen | 0.2.0 | MIT License |
regjsgen | 0.5.2 | MIT License |
regjsparser | 0.1.5 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
regjsparser | 0.6.9 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
RelaxNG Datatype | 2.3.3-b02 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception OR Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
remoting-jmx | 3.0.4.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
remove-trailing-separator | 1.1.0 | ISC License |
repeat-element | 1.1.3 | MIT License |
repeat-string | 1.6.1 | MIT License |
ReportLab | 3.5.67 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Request – Simple HTTP Client | 2.88.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
Request – Simple HTTP Client | v2.88.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
request/tunnel-agent | 0.6.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
requests | 2.26.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
requests | 2.25.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
requests | 2.20.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
requests | 2.25.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
requests-futures | 1.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
requests-oauthlib | 1.3.0 | ISC License |
requests-toolbelt | 0.9.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
require-directory | 2.1.1 | MIT License |
require-main-filename | 2.0.0 | ISC License |
requires-port | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
resolve-cwd | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
resolve-from | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
resolver | 2.9.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
resolve-url | 0.2.1 | MIT License |
REST-AT Integration | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
RESTEasy | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Resteasy Atom Provider | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
RESTEasy CDI integration module | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
RESTEasy Crypto | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Resteasy Jackson Provider | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
RESTEasy JAX-RS Client | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
RESTEasy JAX-RS Client Microprofile | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
RESTEasy JAX-RS Client Microprofile Base classes | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
RESTEasy JAX-RS JSAPI | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Resteasy Jettison Provider | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Resteasy JOSE JWT | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
RESTEasy JSON-Binding Provider | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Resteasy JSON-P EE7 Provider | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Resteasy Multipart Provider | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
RESTEasy RxJava 2 integration | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Resteasy Spring integration | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
RESTEasy Validator Provider | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Resteasy YAML Provider | 3.15.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
RESTful API for Atomic Transactions | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
restore-cursor | v3.1.0 | MIT License |
ret | 0.1.15 | MIT License |
reusify | 1.0.4 | MIT License |
rfdc | 1.3.0 | MIT License |
rimraf | 2.6.3 | ISC License |
rimraf | 2.7.1 | ISC License |
rimraf | 3.0.2 | ISC License |
rimraf | v3.0.0 | ISC License |
ripemd160 | 2.0.2 | MIT License |
river | 2.0.11.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
RNGOM | 2.3.3-b02 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
rome | 1.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
rome-utils | 1.15.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
rootfiles | 8.1 | Public Domain |
RPM | 4.14.3 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
rpm-software-management/librepo | 1.12.0 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
run-async | 2.4.1 | MIT License |
run-parallel | v1.2.0 | MIT License |
run-queue | 1.0.3 | ISC License |
RxJava | 3.0.9 | Apache License 2.0 |
rxjava | 2.2.20 | Apache License 2.0 |
saaj-impl | 1.4.1.SP1 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Common Development and Distribution License 1.1) |
saaj-impl | 1.5.3 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
sacremoses | 0.0.45 | MIT License |
safe-buffer | 5.1.2 | MIT License |
safe-buffer | v5.2.1 | MIT License |
safer-buffer | 2.1.2 | MIT License |
safe-regex | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
sass | 1.22.9 | MIT License |
saucelabs | 1.5.0 | MIT License |
sax-js | 0.5.8 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
sax-js | 1.2.4 | ISC License |
schema-utils | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
schema-utils | v2.7.1 | MIT License |
scikit-image | v0.17.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
scikit-learn | 0.23.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
scikit-learn | 0.24.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
SciPy | v1.5.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
SciPy: Scientific Library for Python | 1.4.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
SciPy: Scientific Library for Python | 1.5.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
SciPy: Scientific Library for Python | 1.5.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
seaborn | 0.11.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Seccomp Library | v2.5.1 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
Seccomp Library | v2.4.3 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
Security-enhanced Linux | 2.9 | Public Domain |
segtok | 1.5.10 | MIT License |
select-hose | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
Selenium | 3.6.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
selfsigned | v1.10.11 | MIT License |
selinux | 3 | |
semver-dsl | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
semver-intersect | 1.4.0 | MIT License |
senchalabs / connect | 3.7.0 | MIT License |
Send for Node.js | 0.17.1 | MIT License |
SendGrid | 4.7.4 | MIT License |
sensible-utils | 0.0.12+nmu1 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
sentencepiece | 0.1.95 | Apache License 2.0 |
SentimentAnalysisParser | 0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
serialize-javascript | 3.1.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
serialize-javascript | 4.0.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
serve-index | 1.9.1 | MIT License |
serve-static | v1.14.1 | MIT License |
set-blocking | 2.0.0 | ISC License |
setImmediate | 1.0.5 | MIT License |
set-immediate-shim | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
setprototypeof | 1.1.0 | ISC License |
setprototypeof | 1.1.1 | ISC License |
setup | 2.12.2 | Public Domain |
setup | 2.8.71-6.el7 | Public Domain |
set-value | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
sgillies’s shapely | 1.7.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
sha.js | 2.4.11 | |
Shadow Tool Suite | 4.6 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Shadow Tool Suite | 4.8.1 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
shallow-clone | 3.0.1 | MIT License |
shebang-command | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
shebang-regex | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
signal-exit | 3.0.2 | ISC License |
simplejson | v3.17.2 | MIT License |
sindresorhus/globals | 11.12.0 | MIT License |
sindresorhus/globby | 11.0.4 | MIT License |
sindresorhus/globby | 5.0.0 | MIT License |
sindresorhus/globby | 6.1.0 | MIT License |
sindresorhus/is-stream | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
sindresorhus/normalize-url | 1.9.1 | MIT License |
sindresorhus/onetime | v5.1.2 | MIT License |
sindresorhus/slash | v3.0.0 | MIT License |
sindresorhus/supports-color | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
sindresorhus/supports-color | 5.5.0 | MIT License |
sindresorhus/supports-color | 6.1.0 | MIT License |
sindresorhus/supports-color | v7.2.0 | MIT License |
skimage | 0.17.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
slacklog-java | 0.9.4 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
SLF4J API Module | 1.7.25 | MIT License |
SLF4J API Module | 1.7.30 | MIT License |
SLF4J API Module | 2.0.0-alpha1 | MIT License |
SLF4J API Module | 1.7.26 | MIT License |
SLF4J Binding | 2.13.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
SLF4J Binding | 2.14.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
SLF4J LOG4J-12 Binding | 1.7.30 | MIT License |
slf4j-jboss-logmanager | 1.1.0.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Common: Annotations | 1.5.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Common: Classloader | 1.5.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Common: Constraints | 1.5.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Common: Expressions | 1.5.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Common: Functions | 1.5.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Fault Tolerance: API | 5.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Fault Tolerance: Core | 5.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Metrics external API | 3.0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Mutiny | 0.14.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Mutiny – MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators Implementation | 0.14.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Mutiny – Runtime Helpers | 2.1.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Mutiny – Vert.x Core | 2.1.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Mutiny – Vert.x Kafka Client | 2.1.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye Reactive Messaging API | 3.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: Common classes | 2.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: FileSystem ConfigSource | 2.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile Config Core Implementation | 2.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile Config Implementation | 2.0.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile Fault Tolerance Implementation | 5.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile Health Implementation | 3.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile JWT CDI Extension Implementation | 3.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile JWT HTTP Mechanism Implementation | 3.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile JWT Implementation | 3.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile JWT Implementation Common | 3.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile Metrics Implementation | 3.0.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile OpenAPI Core | 2.1.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
SmallRye: MicroProfile OpenAPI JAX-RS extension | 2.1.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
smallrye-opentracing | 2.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
smallrye-reactive-converter-api | 2.1.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
smallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka | 3.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
smallrye-reactive-messaging-provider | 3.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
smart-buffer | 4.1.0 | MIT License |
smart-open | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
smart-open | 5.0.0 | MIT License |
smmap | 4.0.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
SnakeYAML | 1.26 | Apache License 2.0 |
SnakeYAML | 1.27 | Apache License 2.0 |
SnakeYAML | 1.24 | Apache License 2.0 |
snapdragon | 0.8.2 | MIT License |
snapdragon-node | 2.1.1 | MIT License |
snapdragon-util | 3.0.1 | MIT License |
Sniffio | 1.1.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
socialcopsdev/camelot | v0.1.0 | MIT License |
Socket.IO Parser | 3.3.2 | MIT License |
Socket.IO Parser | 3.4.1 | MIT License | | 1.1.1 | MIT License | | 2.4.1 | MIT License | | 2.4.0 | MIT License |
sockjs-client-node | 1.4.0 | MIT License |
sockjs-node | 0.3.20 | MIT License |
socks | 2.3.3 | MIT License |
socks-proxy-agent | 4.0.2 | MIT License | | 0.32.0 | Apache License 2.0 | | 1.43.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
sortedcontainers | 2.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
sortkeys | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
Soteria 1.0-b07 Java EE Security RI | 1.0.0.redhat-1 | (Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 OR Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0) |
Soteria Reference Implementation | 1.0.1 | (Sun GPL with Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
soupsieve | 1.9.5 | MIT License |
soupsieve | 2.2.1 | MIT License |
source-list-map | 0.1.8 | MIT License |
source-list-map | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
source-map | 0.1.43 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
source-map | 0.4.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
source-map | 0.5.7 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
source-map | 0.6.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
source-map | 0.7.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
sourcemap-codec | 1.4.6 | MIT License |
source-map-loader | 0.2.4 | MIT License |
source-map-resolve | 0.5.2 | MIT License |
source-map-url | 0.4.0 | MIT License |
spacy | 2.2.3 | MIT License |
spacy | 2.3.5 | MIT License |
SparseBitSet | 1.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
spdx-correct.js | v3.1.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
spdx-exceptions | 2.3.0 | Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 |
spdx-expression-parse.js | 3.0.1 | MIT License |
spdx-license-ids | 3.0.9 | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
spdy | 4.0.2 | MIT License |
spdy-transport | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
speed-measure-webpack-plugin | 1.3.1 | MIT License |
Sphyrnidae Front End Client | 1.0.10 | Basic Proprietary Commercial License |
split-string | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
Spring Boot | 2.3.12.RELEASE | Apache License 2.0 |
Spring Boot | 2.2.4.RELEASE | Apache License 2.0 |
Spring Boot Test | 2.3.12.RELEASE | Apache License 2.0 |
Spring Boot Test Auto-Configure | 2.3.12.RELEASE | Apache License 2.0 |
Spring Commons Logging Bridge | 5.2.15.RELEASE | Apache License 2.0 |
Spring Commons Logging Bridge | 5.2.3.RELEASE | Apache License 2.0 |
Spring Framework | 5.2.15.RELEASE | Apache License 2.0 |
Spring Framework | 5.2.3.RELEASE | Apache License 2.0 |
Spring TestContext Framework | 5.2.15.RELEASE | Apache License 2.0 |
sprintf.js | 1.0.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
sprintf.js | 1.1.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
SQLAlchemy | 1.3.12 | MIT License |
SQLAlchemy | rel_1_3_13 | MIT License |
SQLAlchemy | rel_1_4_5 | MIT License |
sqlalchemy-utils | 0.33.6 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
sqlitedict | 1.7.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
sqlite-libs | 3.26.0 | Public Domain |
sqlparse | 0.4.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
sqlparse | 0.2.2 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
srsly | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
sshpk | 1.16.1 | MIT License |
ssri | 6.0.2 | ISC License |
ssri | 8.0.1 | ISC License |
ssrpanel/SSRPanel | 1 | MIT License |
static-extend | 0.1.2 | MIT License |
statuses | 1.5.0 | MIT License |
StAX Mapper | 1.3.0.Final | Public Domain |
Stax2 API | 4.2.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
stax-ex | 1.8.3 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
stream-browserify | 2.0.2 | MIT License |
streamdeck-ui | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
stream-each | 1.2.3 | MIT License |
stream-http | 2.8.3 | MIT License |
streamroller | 2.2.4 | MIT License |
stream-shift | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
strict-uri-encode | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
string.prototype.trimleft | v2.1.0 | MIT License |
string.prototype.trimright | v2.1.0 | MIT License |
string-width | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
string-width | 2.1.1 | MIT License |
string-width | 4.2.2 | MIT License |
string-width | v3.1.0 | MIT License |
Strip ANSI | 3.0.1 | MIT License |
Strip ANSI | 4.0.0 | MIT License |
Strip ANSI | 5.2.0 | MIT License |
Strip ANSI | 6.0.0 | MIT License |
strip-bom | 3.0.0 | MIT License |
strip-eof | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
strip-json-comments | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
style-loader | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
stylus | 0.54.5 | MIT License |
stylus-loader | 3.0.2 | MIT License |
subscription-manager | 1.28.13 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates | 1.28.13 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
Support utils for using the REST-AT | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
symbol-observable | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
systemd | 239 | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND GNU General Public License v2.0 only) |
systemd | 245.4 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND MIT License AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
systemd-libs | 239 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND MIT License) |
systemd-pam | 239 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND MIT License AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
sysvinit | 2.96 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
tabulate | 0.8.9 | MIT License |
TagSoup | 1.2.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
tapable | 1.1.3 | MIT License |
tar | 4.4.15 | ISC License |
tar | 4.4.8 | ISC License |
tar | 6.1.2 | ISC License |
tensorboard | 2.4.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorboard | 2.3.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorboard | 1.15.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorboard-plugin-wit | 1.8.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
TensorFlow | 2.4.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
TensorFlow | 1.1.0rc2 | Apache License 2.0 |
TensorFlow | 1.6.0rc0 | Apache License 2.0 |
TensorFlow Model Garden | 2.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorflow-addons | 0.12.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorflow-cpu | 2.3.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorflow-estimator | 2.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorflow-estimator | 2.3.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorflow-estimator | 1.15.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorflow-gpu | 1.15.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorflow-gpu | 2.3.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorflow-gpu-estimator | 2.3.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
tensorflow-serving-api | 2.4.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
termcolor | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
terser | 4.6.3 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
terser | 4.8.0 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
terser-webpack-plugin | 1.4.5 | MIT License |
terser-webpack-plugin | 3.0.3 | MIT License |
texinfo – GNU documentation system | 6.5 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
text2digits | 0.1.0 | MIT License |
tf-slim | 1.1.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
then/promise | 7.3.1 | MIT License |
thinc | 7.3.1 | MIT License |
thinc | 7.4.1 | MIT License |
thomasdarimont/keycloak-health-checks | ed411a9be6e2da2130202d70d009b5dfaf6c4455 | Apache License 2.0 |
threadpoolctl | 2.0.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
threadpoolctl | 2.2.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
THREDDS | v4.3.8-BETA | NetCDF license |
through | 2.3.8 | MIT License |
through2 | 2.0.5 | MIT License |
thunky | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
TiffCapture | 0.1.6 | MIT License |
tifffile | 2019.7.26 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
tifffile | 2020.7.4 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
tifffile | 2020.9.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
tika-parser-apple-module | 2.0.0-ALPHA | Apache License 2.0 |
Time Zone Database | 2021a | Public Domain |
timers-browserify | 2.0.12 | MIT License |
tmp | 0.0.30 | MIT License |
tmp | 0.0.33 | MIT License |
tmp | 0.2.1 | MIT License |
to-array | 0.1.4 | MIT License |
to-arraybuffer | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
toastdriven’s pysolr | 3.9.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
tobgu/pyrsistent | 0.16.0 | MIT License |
tobgu/pyrsistent | v0.14.6 | MIT License |
to-fast-properties | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
toidentifier | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
tokenizers | 0.10.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
tomas/needle | 2.3.0 | MIT License |
toml4j | 0.7.1 | MIT License |
tomlj | 1.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
to-object-path | 0.3.0 | MIT License |
torch-model-archiver | 0.1.0b20200409 | Apache License 2.0 |
torch-model-archiver | 0.3.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
to-regex | 3.0.2 | MIT License |
to-regex-range | 2.1.1 | MIT License |
to-regex-range | 5.0.1 | MIT License |
tornado | 6.0.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
tough-cookie | 2.4.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
tough-cookie | v2.5.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
TPM2.0-TSS | 2.3.2 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
tqdm | 4.45.0 | (MIT License AND Mozilla Public License 2.0) |
tqdm | 4.59.0 | (MIT License AND Mozilla Public License 2.0) |
trace-event | 1.0.3 | MIT License |
Tracer resolver | 0.1.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
transformers | 4.6.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
tree-kill | v1.2.2 | MIT License |
tslib | 1.10.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
tslib | 2.3.0 | BSD Zero Clause License |
tslint | 5.15.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
ts-node | 7.0.1 | MIT License |
tsutils | 2.29.0 | MIT License |
tty-browserify | 0.0.0 | MIT License |
tweetnacl-js | 0.14.5 | The Unlicense |
twitter4j | 4.0.7 | Apache License 2.0 |
tw-mlflow | 1.0.0.dev5 | Apache License 2.0 |
txframework | 5.10.6.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
TXW2 Runtime | 2.3.3-b02 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
TXW2 Runtime | 2.3.4 | Eclipse Distribution License – v 1.0 |
Tycho org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt dependency (Incubation) | 1.2.100.v20160418-1457 | Eclipse Public License 1.0 | | 1.6.18 | MIT License |
TypedArray | 0.0.6 | MIT License |
type-fest | 0.21.3 | (MIT License OR Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal) |
typeguard | 2.12.0 | MIT License |
TypeScript | 3.5.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
UAParser.js | 0.7.21 | MIT License |
Ubuntu linux-base | 5.4.0 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v1.0 only) |
ubuntu-keyring | 2020.02.11.2 | (GNU General Public License v1.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
ubuntu-keyring | 2020.06.17.1 | (GNU General Public License v1.0 or later OR GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
udunits | 4.5.5 | NetCDF license |
Undertow Core | 2.2.5.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Undertow Examples | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
Undertow Javascript API | 1.0.2.Final | Public Domain |
Undertow Servlet | 2.2.5.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Undertow to JAXWS 2.2 HTTP SPI bridge | 1.0.1.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
Undertow WebSockets JSR356 implementations | 2.2.5.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript | 1.0.4 | MIT License |
unicode-match-property-ecmascript | 1.0.4 | MIT License |
unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript | 1.1.0 | MIT License |
union-value | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
unique-filename | 1.1.1 | ISC License |
unique-slug | 2.0.2 | ISC License |
Units of Measurement API | 1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
universal-analytics | 0.4.23 | MIT License |
universalify | 0.1.2 | MIT License |
unpipe | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
unset-value | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
upath | 1.2.0 | MIT License |
uri-js | 4.2.2 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
urix | 0.1.0 | MIT License |
urllib3 | 1.26.6 | MIT License |
urllib3 | 1.24.2 | MIT License |
urllib3 | 1.24.1 | MIT License |
urllib3 | 1.26.5 | MIT License |
url-parse | 1.5.3 | MIT License |
use | 3.1.1 | MIT License |
User Agent Parser for Java | 1.4.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
usermode | 1.113 | GNU General Public License v2.0 only |
util | 0.10.3 | MIT License |
util | v0.11.1 | MIT License |
util.promisify | 1.0.0 | MIT License |
util-deprecate | 1.0.2 | MIT License |
util-linux | 2.32.1 | (GNU Library General Public License v2 or later AND Public Domain AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later AND BSD-4-Clause (University of California-Specific)) |
util-linux | 2.34 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
utils-merge | 1.0.1 | MIT License |
validate-npm-package-license | 3.0.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
validate-npm-package-name | 3.0.0 | ISC License |
vary | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
VDX Core | 1.1.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
VDX WildFly | 1.1.6 | Apache License 2.0 |
verror | 1.10.0 | MIT License |
vert.x | 4.0.2 | (Apache License 2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
Vert.x Kafka Client | 4.0.2 | (Apache License 2.0 AND Eclipse Public License 1.0) |
Vim | 8.0.1763 | Vim License |
vine | 1.3.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
vine | 5.0.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
virt-what | 1.18 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
Visionmedia Debug | 2.6.9 | MIT License |
Visionmedia Debug | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
Visionmedia Debug | 3.2.6 | MIT License |
Visionmedia Debug | 3.2.7 | MIT License |
Visionmedia Debug | 4.1.1 | MIT License |
Visionmedia Debug | 4.3.2 | MIT License |
visionmedia/batch | 0.6.1 | MIT License |
vm-browserify | 1.1.2 | MIT License |
void-elements | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
waitress | 2.0.0 | Zope Public License 2.1 |
wand | 0.6.6 | MIT License |
wasabi | 0.6.0 | MIT License |
watchdog | 0.10.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
watchdog-python | v0.10.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
watchpack | 2.0.1 | MIT License |
watchpack | v1.7.5 | MIT License |
wbuf | 1.7.3 | MIT License |
wcwidth | 0.2.5 | MIT License |
Web Animations Polyfill | 2.3.2 | Apache License 2.0 |
webauthn4j-core | 0.12.0.RELEASE | Apache License 2.0 |
webauthn4j-util | 0.12.0.RELEASE | Apache License 2.0 |
webdriver-js-extender | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
webdriver-manager | 12.1.7 | MIT License |
Webpack | v4.39.2 | MIT License |
webpack/webpack-dev-middleware | v3.7.2 | MIT License |
webpack-contrib/sass-loader | v7.2.0 | MIT License |
webpack-core | 0.6.9 | MIT License |
webpack-dev-server | 3.11.0 | MIT License |
webpack-log | v2.0.0 | MIT License |
webpack-merge | 4.2.1 | MIT License |
webpack-sources | 1.4.3 | MIT License |
webpack-subresource-integrity | 1.1.0-rc.6 | MIT License |
WebSocket API | 2.0.0.Final | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
WebSocket server API | 1.1.2 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
websocket-client | v1.1.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
websocket-client | v0.57.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
websocket-driver-node | 0.6.5 | MIT License |
websocket-extensions-node | 0.1.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
Weld Core | 3.1.6.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Weld EJB | 3.1.6.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Weld JSF | 3.1.6.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Weld JTA | 3.1.6.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Weld Parent | 3.1.SP3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Weld SPIs for container integration | 3.1.SP3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Weld Web | 3.1.6.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Werkzeug | 0.16.0 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Werkzeug | 2.0.1 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Wget | 1.20.3 | GNU General Public License v3.0 only |
which | 1.3.1 | ISC License |
which-module | 2.0.0 | ISC License |
whitequark/ipaddr.js | v1.9.1 | MIT License |
wide-align | 1.1.3 | ISC License |
WildFly | 23.0.2 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only |
WildFly Client Configuration | 1.0.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Wildfly EJB Client HTTP invocation support | 1.1.5.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – ASN.1 | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Audit Logging | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Audit Logging | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Auth | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Auth Server | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Auth Server | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Auth Server Deprecated | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Auth Server HTTP | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Auth Server HTTP | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Auth Server SASL | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Auth Server SASL | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Auth Util | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Base | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Client | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Client | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Credential | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Credential Source Deprecated | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Credential Source Implementation | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Credential Store | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Digest | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Encryption | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Encryption | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP Basic | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP Basic | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP Bearer | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP Cert | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP Cert | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP DIGEST | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP External | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP SPNEGO | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP SPNEGO | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP SSO | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP SSO | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – HTTP Util | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – JACC | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – JASPI | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – JSON Utility Classes | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – JWT | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Mechanism | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Mechanism Digest | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Mechanism GSSAPI | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Mechanism GSSAPI | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Mechanism Http | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Mechanism Http | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Mechanism OAuth2 | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Mechanism SCRAM | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Password Implementation | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Password Implementation | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Permission | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Provider Util | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Realm JDBC | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Realm LDAP | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Realm Token | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL Anonymous | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL Auth Utility Classes | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL Auth Utility Classes | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL Deprecated | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL Digest | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL Digest | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL Entity | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL External | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL External | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL GS2 | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL GS2 | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL GSSAPI | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL JBOSS-LOCAL-USER | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL JBOSS-LOCAL-USER | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL OAuth2 | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL OTP | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL Plain | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL Plain | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SASL SCRAM | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Security Manager | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Security Manager Action | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Security Manager Action | 1.15.3.Final-redhat-00001 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – SSL | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – Util | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – X.500 | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – X.500 Certificate ACME | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – X.500 Certificate Utility Classes | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – X.500 Certificates | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – X.500 Deprecated | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron – X.500 Principals | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron Tool | 1.15.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron Web – Undertow Server | 1.9.0.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly Elytron Web – Undertow Servlet Integration | 1.9.0.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Wildfly HTTP Client Common | 1.1.5.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Wildfly HTTP Client JNDI invocation support | 1.1.5.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly transaction client | 1.1.13.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Wildfly Transaction Client HTTP invocation support | 1.1.5.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly: Application Client Bootstrap | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Arquillian Bootable jar Container | 5.0.0.Alpha1 | Apache License 2.0 |
WildFly: Base Health Extension | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Base Metrics Extension | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Batch Integration Subsystem (JBeret implementation) | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Bean Validation | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Bootable Jar runtime | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Clustered service provider registry services | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Clustering API implementation | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Clustering integration with JBoss Marshalling | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Clustering marshalling API | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Clustering marshalling SPI | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Clustering Server API | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Clustering services | 7.4.0.GA-redhat-00005 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Clustering SPI | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Common abstractions for cache-based session manager implementations. | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Common code for clustering subsystems | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Common EE implementations for caches | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Config Admin | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Connector Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Controller Client | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Controller Core | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Core Event Logger | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Core Management Client | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Core Management Subsystem | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Core Security API | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Core Security Utilities | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Datasources with Agroal connection pool | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Deployment Repository | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Deployment Scanner | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Discovery Subsystem | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Distributable Web Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Distributed Web Session Infinispan provider | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Distributed Web Session SPI | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Domain HTTP Error Context | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Domain HTTP Interface | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Domain Management | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: EE | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: EE clustering – HotRod service provider | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: EE clustering – Infinispan service provider | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: EE clustering SPI | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: EJB and JMS client combined jar | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: EJB Container Managed Persistence Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: EJB Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Elytron Subsystem | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Embedded | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Hibernate ORM 5.1 bytecode transformer | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Host Controller | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: IIOP Openjdk Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Infinispan Client SPI | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Infinispan marshalling | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Infinispan SPI | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Infinispan subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: IO Subsystem | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: JacORB Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Java EE Security | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: JAXR Client | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: JAX-RS Integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: JDR | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: JGroups API | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: JGroups SPI | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: JGroups Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: JMX Subsystem | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: JPA Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: JSF Injection Handlers | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: JSF Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: JSR-77 Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Launcher API | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Logging Subsystem | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Mail subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Management Client Content | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Marshalling for WildFly clustering: ProtoStream integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Messaging Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Messaging Subsystem With ActiveMQ Artemis | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile Config Extension With SmallRye | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile Fault Tolerance – Executor | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile Fault Tolerance – Extension | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile Health Extension With SmallRye | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile JWT Extension With SmallRye | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile Metrics Extension With SmallRye | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile OpenAPI Extension With SmallRye | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile OpenTracing Extension | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile OpenTracing with SmallRye | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Config | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Extension With SmallRye | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators CDI Provider | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators Extension With SmallRye | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: mod_cluster extension | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: mod_cluster Undertow integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Naming Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Network | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Patching Core | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: PicketLink Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Platform MBean integration | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: POJO Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Process Controller | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Protocol Utilities | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Remoting Subsystem | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Request Controller | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: RTS Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Security Integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Security Manager Subsystem | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Security Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Security Subsystem API | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Security Subsystem Plugins | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Security Vault Tool | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Server | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Service Archive Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: SFSB clustering – Infinispan integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: SFSB clustering – SPI | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Singleton API | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Singleton extension | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: System JMX Module | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Threading Subsystem | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Transaction Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Undertow | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Version | 15.0.1.Final | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Apache License 2.0) |
WildFly: Web Common Classes | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Web Services Server Integration Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Web session clustering – Container SPI | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Web session clustering – HotRod service provider | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Web session clustering – Undertow integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Web session clustering API | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Web Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Weld Bean Validation | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Weld Common Tools | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Weld EJB | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Weld Integration | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Weld JPA | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Weld Subsystem SPI | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Weld Transactions | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: Weld Webservices | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
WildFly: XTS Subsystem | 23.0.2.Final | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
wildfly-common | 1.5.4.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
wildfly-discovery-client | 1.2.1.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
wildfly-naming-client | 1.0.14.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
wildfly-openssl | 2.1.3.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
Woodstox | 6.0.3 | Apache License 2.0 |
Woodstox | 6.2.4 | Apache License 2.0 |
words2num | 0.2.3 | MIT License |
wordwrap | 0.0.3 | MIT License |
worker-plugin | 3.2.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
wrap-ansi | 2.1.0 | MIT License |
wrap-ansi | v5.1.0 | MIT License |
wrap-ansi | v6.2.0 | MIT License |
wrappy | 1.0.2 | ISC License |
wrapt | 1.12.1 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
WSDL4J | 1.6.3 | Common Public License 1.0 |
wtforms | 2.3.3 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
Xalan Java Serializer | 2.7.1 | Apache License 2.0 |
XlsxWriter | RELEASE_1.3.8 | BSD 2-clause “Simplified” License |
XMLBeans | 3.1.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
xmlbuilder-js | v11.0.1 | MIT License |
xmlhttprequest-ssl | 1.6.3 | MIT License |
XmlSchema Core | 2.2.5 | Apache License 2.0 |
XMPCore Shaded | 6.1.11 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
xnio-api | 3.8.4.Final | Apache License 2.0 |
XOM | 1.2.10 | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later |
XSOM | 2.3.3-b02 | (GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception AND Eclipse Public License 2.0) |
xtend | 4.0.2 | MIT License |
XZ for Java | 1.9 | Public Domain |
XZ Utils | 5.2.4 | (Public Domain AND GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) |
y18n | 4.0.0 | ISC License |
yallist | 3.0.3 | ISC License |
yallist | 3.1.1 | ISC License |
yallist | 4.0.0 | ISC License |
YamlBeans | 1.11 | BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License |
yargs | 13.3.2 | MIT License |
yargs | 15.4.1 | MIT License |
yargs | v13.1.0 | MIT License |
yargs-parser | 13.1.2 | ISC License |
yargs-parser | v13.1.1 | ISC License |
yargs-parser | v18.1.3 | ISC License |
yeast | 0.1.2 | MIT License |
yn | 2.0.0 | MIT License |
yocto-queue | 0.1.0 | MIT License |
yum | 4.4.2 | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later |
zipp | 3.1.0 | MIT License |
zipp | 3.5.0 | MIT License |
zjsonpatch | 0.4.8 | Apache License 2.0 |
zlib | 1.2.11 | zlib License |
Zone.js | 0.10.3 | MIT License |
Zone.js | v0.9.1 | MIT License |
zope.event | 4.5.0 | Zope Public License 2.1 |
zstd | 1.4.4 | (BSD 3-clause “New” or “Revised” License AND GNU General Public License v2.0 only) |
ZT Zip | 1.13 | Apache License 2.0 |
ZXing Core | 3.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
ZXing Java SE extensions | 3.4.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
Copyright Notice
©2021 EdgeVerve Systems Limited (a fully owned Infosys subsidiary), Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved. This documentation is the sole property of EdgeVerve Systems Limited (“EdgeVerve”). EdgeVerve believes the information in this document or page is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice. EdgeVerve acknowledges the proprietary rights of other companies to the trademarks, product names and such other intellectual property rights mentioned in this document. This document is not for general distribution and is meant for use solely by the person or entity that it has been specifically issued to and can be used for the sole purpose it is intended to be used for as communicated by EdgeVerve in writing. Except as expressly permitted by EdgeVerve in writing, neither this documentation nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, printing, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of EdgeVerve and/ or any named intellectual property rights holders under this document.