
Indirect Category Leadership Forum

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About the Event

The Indirect Category Leadership Forum brings together 150 indirect category leaders for two days of insights and networking, providing practical ways to demonstrate value beyond cost saving.


Tuesday 14th May – Come and join us on our Edgeverve stand No. 3 over the two days to learn more about our Procurement Business Applications, XtractEdge Procurement Insights, XtractEdge Procurement Assistant and XtractEdge Contract Analysis.

Wednesday 15th May, 11.45am – Come and join our panel discussion on ‘Using AI to rapidly drive value, mitigate risk and reduce indirect spend.’ The panel includes Geetha Patcharu, Product Client Solutions Director, Edgeverve Ltd, Emilio Zambade, Head of Digital Procurement, Nokia and will be moderated by Alex Johnston, Lead Analyst, Procurement Leaders