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Evolving the Future of Enterprise with Hyperautomation

April 2, 2020 - Atul Soneja Global Head - Edge Products and XtractEdge


We are at a point in our civilization where the real impact lies in evolving the future, not just being a part of it. Counterintuitively, enterprises in a race to survive, struggle. Those looking to be at the bleeding edge of innovation, on the other hand, build a robust foundation for success. To this effect, automation, led by RPA, has become the most crucial growth lever. When combined with other smart technologies, automation is a tool to create unprecedented value across the enterprise, delivering creativity, efficiency, and intelligence at scale.

The focus on augmentation over incremental productivity gains is where we see the most significant shift in how enterprise approach automation. Topping Gartner’s list of the top technology trends for 2020 is the idea of hyperautomation, where augmentation is no longer optional, but essential to digital transformation initiatives. Gartner defines hyperautomation as the discipline that “deals with the application of advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to increasingly automate processes and augment humans. Hyperautomation extends across a range of tools that can be automated, but also refers to the sophistication of the automation (i.e., discover, analyze, design, automate, measure, monitor, reassess).”

Approaching automation as a holistic intelligence-driven exercise central to enterprise growth, creates a range of advantages. The rise of the digital twin, an idea that EdgeVerve has been bullish about, will be a defining moment as enterprises start to trade on imagination and hyper-personalization at scale. By combining the efficiency and accuracy of a digital worker with the empathy and creativity of human counterparts, the human-digital twin doesn’t just support decision-making, but could even help automate the process. At EdgeVerve, we believe that this concept will drive the future, and that’s why it is a critical component of our overarching solution design philosophy – Automation Singularity.

In a paper published last year, we defined Automation Singularity as “a highly customer-centric and agile oriented state of constant improvement and optimization through the future workforce, opening up an expanded horizon of possibilities. Human specialists drive customer orientation using their creativity and empathy and are complemented by digital workers with extreme productivity and consistency. Automation Singularity serves as a beacon for enterprises to conceive, design, structure, and deliver products and services. The idea of Automation Singularity is a journey where a variety of automations (including attended and unattended automation) along with AI capabilities will unleash unprecedented value touching every process, every employee, and every system in the enterprise.”

Our experience of working with large enterprises across the globe pointed us to the need for an enhanced vision of automation that drives expansion and profitability. By bringing human and evolved digital workers closer together than ever before, Automation Singularity creates a transformative blend of advanced capabilities to build the enterprise of the future. It is a journey that broadly comprises three stages – Deterministic Automation, Intelligent Automation, and Human-empowered Automation. As companies progress along this continuum, they will move from:

At EdgeVerve, we believe that our vision for Automation Singularity, including ideas like hyperautomation, signals the next era for enterprises. However, the quality of execution is every bit as important, perhaps even more than an understanding of the idea. Consequently, our model of the enterprise road to Automation Singularity features three key disciplines – Discover, Automate, and Orchestrate – ensuring maximum effectiveness at every stage of automation maturity. We drive this model through AssistEdge, our cohesive automation platform, and our consulting capabilities that allow us to create custom solutions for highly specific needs.

To reap the maximum benefits from their intelligent automation program, enterprises must be ready to evolve and adapt rapidly. Alignment with business needs, evidence of business impact, and scalability are critical for an enterprise-wide impact. Enterprises looking to thrive, not just survive, will lead this wave of change as we move into an era where extreme agility and seamless experience become the norm. Our white paper on Automation Singularity offers detail on how they can begin their journey, build on the idea of hyperautomation, and address areas such as people, technology, risk management, governance, and interoperability. Download the paper and get in touch with one of our experts to discuss your enterprise’s automation needs.

Atul Soneja

Global Head - Edge Products and XtractEdge

Atul is the Global Head of Edge Products and XtractEdge. He is responsible for the overall business portfolio of EdgeVerve. He is helping customers across the Intelligent Automation continuum from deterministic to predictive to cognitive transformation, by leveraging the AI and Automation platforms and products at EdgeVerve.

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