Home > AssistEdge > Blogs > SAP certified RPA product – The right choice for your enterprise!

SAP certified RPA product – The right choice for your enterprise!

July 5, 2019 - Romil Bhalla Senior Analyst - Product Management, AssistEdge, EdgeVerve

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The backbone of operations across most of the large and very large organizations is the enterprise application software. SAP is the market leader in enterprise application software, helping companies of all sizes across all industries run at their best. It is estimated that almost 77% of the world’s transaction revenue touches SAP system1! This high-volume transaction processing consists of tasks, which have varying complexities and belong to different business domains and functions. Despite these differences, there are a few common characteristics of these processes:

These characteristics, when aggregated, point to one direction – all such processes being typical Robotic Process Automation (RPA) candidates! This is a vast ocean of RPA-ready processes using SAP at one stage or the other across enterprises. To automate these processes, it is advisable to deploy an RPA tool, which has been tried, tested and vouched by several SAP customers. But what considerably adds value to an RPA tool’s credibility is a validation by SAP itself.

SAP’s Integration and Certification Center (SAP ICC) administers an open certification program to boost customers’ and prospects’ confidence in partner products2. The certification program evaluates and awards certification to RPA products. Let us look at the various aspects of the RPA tools being evaluated as part of the SAP certification.

SAP does not liberally award the certification to any product or solution. The above evaluation ensures that the RPA product undergoes a stringent qualification procedure to achieve the designation of ‘SAP certified solution’. For an enterprise, which is looking to invest in an RPA product and has processes running on SAP, this certification is a yardstick against which it can measure prospective RPA vendors. The SAP certification goes a long way in cementing the enterprise’s confidence in their RPA product selection and investment decision.

Let us look at the benefits that an enterprise can garner by choosing an SAP certified solution:

AssistEdge recently became the first and only leading RPA solution to be SAP certified. AssistEdge has automated multiple business functions that involve SAP across multiple global enterprise clients. Using AssistEdge RPA, the clients have realized business benefits like operational cost reduction, improved customer experience, accuracy improvement, increased automatic posting and higher compliance. With AssistEdge now being SAP certified, you are further assured that it is the best choice for process automation.


Romil Bhalla

Senior Analyst - Product Management, AssistEdge, EdgeVerve

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