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Robotic Process Automation

June 28, 2017 -  Geetha Patcharu Principal Consultant


As a child, I often heard Dad wish if he did not have to stop what he was doing to go and turn off the switch of a light or fan at home. He always said, “how I wish there was a button system for this”.
Well, 25 years since then, and he has Alexa to do that for him!
Automation Software (Technology) directly impacts all of us (People) and almost everything we do (Process) on a daily basis. From our homes to workplaces there is constant innovation on how to carry out tasks faster and better.
At my workplace, and many of yours too, RPA is a common word these days. There is no organization today that does not want to adopt RPA and derive quick benefits from it. In general, a conversation about RPA largely ends in highlighting 2 benefits:

  • Increased in productivity of resources – human, software applications, hardware systems, etc.
  • Reduction in cost incurred by an organization in performing specific processes.

Almost all global organizations and those that market RPA software solutions are constantly trying to differentiate themselves, and are finding ways to highlight other benefits that they will deliver. What possibly could be the other benefits?
Benefits for People

  • Relief from performing mundane repetitive tasks on the job, like searching, matching, comparing and filing. Focus on value added and strategic activities such as thinking innovatively to design a new process – something that robots cannot do!
  • Managers can support multiple repetitive processes by using a digital workforce (robots) while preserving the flexibility of human resources and yet achieve efficiencies.

Benefits for Process

  • Organizations need not embark upon massive transformation projects to centralize and standardize global processes. RPA allows separate business units within a company to stay with their customized processes that best suit them, and yet achieve sustainable value.
  • 100% auditability is a possibility with RPA due to the digital trail that is created, thereby increasing compliance.
    Benefits of Technology
  • Agility is key in current times. Widespread adoption of RPA is constantly pushing the development in RPA technology. Advanced technology offers enhanced the ease with which RPA is deployed without the need for complex programming.
  • Naturally progressing from procedural automation to intelligent automation through cognitive computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Considering the above benefits, and looking beyond driving productivity up and costs down, will help in organizing a better future.
As you would have noticed, the relationship between People, Process & Technology cannot be undone and what RPA does, brings them much closer than ever before. People will always think of new processes and technology will be required to get them working effectively. Can technology completely replace people?
Since Alexa’s arrival, Dad is happy and Mom is happier since she does not have to repeatedly remind Dad about the lights and fans anymore. Alexa listens the first time and the job is done. How I wish Dad would put the newspaper down when told the first time! Humans are smarter you see
Credits: Alexa from Amazon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Alexa
RPA Software: https://www.edgeverve.com/assistedge/

 Geetha Patcharu

Principal Consultant

A relentless advocate of the synergies between people, process and technology. Geetha is a Source-to-pay techno functional consultant with 15 years of experience across various aspects of the domain.

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8 thoughts on “Robotic Process Automation

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