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AssistEdge Engage: A Unified, Metric-Driven Experience Platform

September 3, 2019 - Mukundan Chandra Santhanakrishnan Specialist – User Experience, EdgeVerve

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“Towards an Intelligent and Insightful Call Center Experience”

Transforming Customer Service Experience

As every enterprise aims to maximize the potential of its after-sales customer service, one of the biggest challenges faced by a present-day call center is around swiftly identifying the support query of a customer and instantly service the query. This will not only reduce Average Handling Time but also boost Customer Advocacy Index.

Let’s take a look at a standard customer service scenario

A Corporate Customer: “Can you clarify when will I get the shipment of my 1000 iPhone X, 500 data dongles and, I need to de-activate an active SIM card, enable corporate roaming for 5 SIM cards?”

Agent Z (Telecom ABC): “Thank you, Sir. First, I would like to introduce myself. Next, I would like to know about you before taking your queries one by one”.

A Corporate Customer: “Well, let me introduce, I am Rick….”

Agent Z (Telecom ABC): “Thank you, Sir. I might have to run you through some security questions”.

Rick: “Well, let’s go through it. But this is the 10th time I am repeating it. I am tired of it”.

! Check: That’s a dip in Customer Advocacy. How does Telecom ABC know about it and address it?

Call center units of Fortune 500 enterprises need to quickly switch off existing applications and transmute to an intelligent/smart, unified informational platform.


Many enterprises are facing the same challenge where the process of customer acquisition is proactive, smooth while the after-sales service gets trivial in terms of the following:

Many back-offices have a suite of disjointed applications, and it varies from legacy applications to graphical user interfaces, excel based applications to desktop-based interfaces and so on. Thanks to a varied set of application ecosystems, enterprises are now finding it difficult to manage them operationally and leverage it to address the query of a customer.

In the above mentioned example, a call center agent must navigate around 10 applications to service the query. The agent might have to navigate to an application to know the customer or conduct a quick authentication check, then navigate to a different application to gather background details of past/current requests, navigate to a suite of applications to address the current query and finally, post a resolution, and log a comment with detailed notes for the query that was addressed by the agent.

In such cases, the average call handling time would typically exceed 30 minutes considering each application is backed by a different technological facet.

Hence, the whole experience needs to be reversed. Instead of enterprises focusing on application-driven experiences to address a customer query, the customer’s intent should drive the whole experience.

The experience needs to be transmuted across all service channels including e-mail, chat and service tickets (via call).

Addressing the Need: Unification of Information(al) Facets

While an ideal scenario calls for a UI Portfolio Analysis covering all applications used in a call center, it also needs significant investment costs as the results of portfolio analysis might demand an application consolidation (or) standardization (or) workflow streamlining initiatives that might incur huge investment.

What is the near-term solution then?

The key to address the problem statement is to probably start with the intent of the customer (caller). By placing the intent at the core, the set of informational facets surrounding the intent need to be unified/displayed to the user.

For instance, when a customer calls up, an automatic customer identification process along with the set of products/services owned by the customer can be instantaneously fetched/shown to the user. Hence, even before the customer support agent picks up the phone, he/she should know about the caller.

Post identification, all informational facets falling within the ambit of the support call needs to be quickly retrieved/shown in the same UI.

It will empower the user to spend more time conversing with the caller, build a strong relationship, cross-pollinate products/services rather than keeping the customer on hold and doing a data entry operation and struggling to address the need. Besides, this will also avoid a scenario where the user is required to navigate across multiple applications for various data points.

AssistEdge Engage: One-Up Above the Notch

The objective of AssistEdge Engage platform is to unify key information from multiple applications, enable automation of mundane/repetitive tasks, tap into relevant information with zero-clicks, while for a composite workflow involving a sequence of tasks, allow the user to navigate to the respective application to complete the detailed task flows (but) from within the AssistEdge Engage platform itself.

AssistEdge Engage platform enables enterprises with a set of tools to quickly ideate/build a WYSIWYG 360o dashboard with all the right set of information that is required for every agent’s day-in-a life journey, be it to view self-performance snapshot or getting to know key informational insights to service a customer.

Backed by a powerful services’ support from EdgeVerve Systems Ltd, enterprises can penetrate the AssistEdge Engage platform to quickly ideate/launch a customized call to action dashboard, and address automation needs depending on the specific business and user scenarios.

AssistEdge Engage also goes a step further to enable an agent to run processes queued for automation at the user’s end and to have complete control on the automation execution too.

Backed by a patented technical solution, UI platform with standardized aesthetics and widgets and a detailed think tank on the business needs, AssistEdge Engage platform represents the intersection of the three areas for a quantifiable customer support ecosystem solution. The platform targets to optimize some of the KPIs like Active Waiting Calls, Longest Call Hold, Call Abandonment, Average Handling Time of a Call and of course, Customer Satisfaction Index.

AssistEdge Engage stitches a seamless, unified experience by focusing on a user’s day in a life journey and empathy towards the customer and an agent’s conversation.


Key Benefits of AssistEdge Engage platform:

Click here to find out more about the AssistEdge Engage.

Mukundan Chandra Santhanakrishnan

Specialist – User Experience, EdgeVerve

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