Composability – Rewriting the
Rules of Banking Business

As banks progress in their digital transformation journeys, embracing modular, open architectures is becoming paramount. Enter composable solution design – the secret sauce for added agility, flexibility, and resilience. It’s like upgrading to meet the demands of the new normal with style.

Unlock Feature-rich Composable Banking with Finacle

Craft your digital banking solutions effortlessly, reusing and assembling a mix of independent, purpose fit technical, domain, and engagement components on the fly. Drawing from our 20 years of global banking service expertise, these components are independently scalable, replaceable, and upgradable, with uniform interfaces facilitating seamless service composition. Each component’s capabilities are exposed through APIs and webhooks, ensuring swift integration with both Finacle and non-Finacle elements.

Our composable architectural design empowers you to evolve and fine-tune various components at varying speeds, providing the essential agility, flexibility, and resilience needed to excel in today’s dynamic market landscape. Here is a representative illustration of how we do it.

Finacle Domain Components and Microservices that Power Solution Composability

Finacle Digital Banking Platform is Built on True Microservices Design Principles

Finacle’s composable banking platform is built on the foundations of a 100% open architecture, embracing true microservices architectural principles. Fueled by domain driven design constructs, the platform offers right grained microservices tailored to the business domains they support. Rooted in pattern language, the platform’s microservices design ensures the delivery of efficient, precisely-tailored components perfectly suited to the unique requirements of each business domain.

Many Journeys, One Composable

As it’s known, no two paths are alike – embark on a unique digital journey, now!

Finacle is here to cater to the needs of every bank, regardless of their stage in this transformation journey. Our componentized, microservices-driven architecture, and highly parameterized application suite propels digital evolution for a diverse array of financial institutions. Whether your bank is traditional or cutting-edge, global or local, physical or digital, or a vibrant blend of these, Finacle’s composable platform is crafted to facilitate transformation with agility, fostering innovation-led growth.

Inspiring Better Banking – Every Segment to Every Shore

The Foundational Cogs Powering Finacle’s Composable Architecture

Finacle Composable Architecture

Layered Architecture, Polyglot Design

Experience agility with our platform’s multi-layered, decoupled architecture with a clear separation of concerns between layers. Polyglot by design, it deploys purpose-fit technologies seamlessly across all layers. Its full-stack, metadata based organic design allows you to leverage proven open-source components effortlessly.

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Cloud-native, Cloud-neutral Platform

Rooted in CNCF principles and 12-factor app methodology, our cloud-native, cloud-neutral platform offers agile, scalable, and flexible banking powered by microservices. Containerized deployments, orchestrated by Kubernetes are supported across all cloud environments and ensure cloud-neutral functional and horizontal scalability.

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Event-driven, API-first Foundations

Powered by BIAN APIs, events and a standards-driven approach, our open platform helps you maximize ecosystem innovation and unlock newer business models such as BaaS and embedded finance. All our solution capabilities are exposed via APIs and Webhooks to enable seamless integration and ecosystem innovation.

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Robust Data Architecture

We have crafted the Finacle platform on the pillars of a layered OLTP and OLAP architecture, real-time data processing, and embedded insights principles. With this, you can seamlessly handle, sustain, and disseminate data at scale, unlock the power of insights across structured and unstructured data sets, and build strong foundations for scaling your AI initiatives.

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Automation-first Process Design

Embrace a journey of achieving seamless, real-time straight-through processing with Finacle. Driven by rules, APIs, and events, and backed by our in-house RPA, AI, and Blockchain platforms, Finacle empowers you to automate workflows across diverse applications. Explore the capabilities of our integrated flow builder, enabling automation through service composition and API/events orchestration, elevating your operational efficiency to new heights.

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Composable Experience Stack

Our platform features a low-code-no-code experience stack, with a clear front-to-back decoupling and a headless architecture, empowering you to build hyper personalized user experiences on-the-go.

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Multi-layered Security Architecture

Guided by a robust security governance framework, the Finacle platform adheres to secure coding and testing principles. State-of-the-art security capabilities are baked in as part of our software development lifecycle. We are fully compliant with global security standards including ISO27001-27002, PCIDSS/PAPB, FFIEC, COBIT and more.

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Service Offerings

From software innovations to robust infrastructure and expert consulting services, CWG is committed to optimizing operations and elevating customer experiences.

Software Implementation:

  • Core banking systems
  • Payment platforms
  • Fraud management tools

Infrastructure Offerings:

  • Data centers
  • Colocation services
  • Cloud services

Training and Consulting Services:

  • Technology training
  • Best practices guidance
  • Project and initiative consulting

Finacle Delivery Capabilities

  • End-to-end Installation of Finacle Applications
  • Implementation and upgradation projects related to Finacle Program Management, Customization, Business Process Definition, Detailed Requirement Definition
  • Robust testing capabilities along with managed services
  • Resource augmentation and services for Go-Live Support, Training, and Post Implementation Support
  • 100% track record of successful Finacle implementation in West Africa
  • Over 90 highly skilled service support representatives