Intelligent Automation Week Conference

Empower Digital Core with Digital Edge

Augment Digital Core with Digital Edge

June 24th – June 26th, 2024 | Dallas, Texas

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  • About IA Week
  • EdgeVerve at IA Week
  • Demo Drive
  • Request a meeting
  • About IA Week
  • EdgeVerve at IA Week
  • Demo Drive
  • Request a meeting

The Intelligent Automation Week Conference is a gateway to the latest automation and generative AI trends, success stories, and top technology partners. The conference focuses on how to prioritize processes using automation and choose the right technology provider for sustained innovation.

The Intelligent Automation Week conference is designed for intelligent automation, digital and business transformation, and enterprise-wide executives looking to stay ahead of the automation and generative AI curve – so to drive enhanced business value across the enterprise.

EdgeVerve at Intelligent Automation Week Conference

Despite substantial investments, many companies struggle to realize anticipated benefits from digital transformation. The challenge often stems from enterprise siloes, sub-optimal tech investments, and a convoluted web of legacy point solutions. To be successful, these enterprises need a seamless flow of data and information across the entire system. Embracing a platform-based strategy enhanced by artificial intelligence proves effective in overcoming these challenges.

As a Gold Sponsor of Intelligent Automation Week conference, EdgeVerve will be at the event, where attendees can interact with our experts to learn how EdgeVerve’s AI-powered platform, bridges silos in people, processes, data, and technology for enterprises, amplifying the value of their existing digital core investments.

EdgeVerve at Chief transformation Officer Summit

Demo Drive at EdgeVerve Booth

EdgeVerve is Sponsoring a private lunch for 20 pre-selected executives where we will be discussing and networking over “Practitioner’s Perspective on Leveraging AI in Digital Transformation”.

January 30th, 2024

January 31st, 2023

February 1st, 2023

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