Getting started with Exception handling


What is Exception Handling automation?

Exception Handling automation allows you to handle the runtime errors. While executing an automation request, various actions can be performed to identify and troubleshoot the exception such as, running a sequence of activities, graceful exit, ignore the error, terminate or abort the process.


Exception handling let you continue with the automation process workflow and does not break when an exception occurs. The potential causes of exceptions are:

  • Time-out transactions
  • Exceptions thrown using the Throw activity
  • External codes, services, libraries etc.


Following are the activities that can be used for Exception Handling:



Exception Handling ensures the following:

  • Issues can be resolved automatically if possible, or easily identifiable and repairable
  • Else, issue is passed for human intervention wherever appropriate.


Exception Handling Automation Journey

The below diagram gives an overview of the steps involved in creating an automation process workflow using exception handling:



Learn more about the activities of Exception Handling through step-by-step Example of Try Catch Activity and Example of Throw Activity.