Welcome Screen - Studio

The Studio Welcome page introduces you to the knowledge base where you can access information about Studio, and other components of AssistEdgeText.



The Welcome page includes three panels:



Access the most commonly used knowledge base topics for you to get started with Studio. It includes:

  • Learn: Provides the Getting Started links of the most searched/used topics
  • Learn Step by Step: Provides links to scenario-based step by step guide to use studio activities
  • Helpful Links: Provides links to the other knowledge base topics for the product



This section provides the link to the studio page where you can, create, test, publish, and manage the automation processes. The functionality available through the Studio menu is explained in Configure Automation Process section.



This section provides links to:

  • Community: An engaging platform for the AssistEdge user’s community to discuss AssistEdge product related queries, suggestions, feedback and in general enabling the community users to help each other.
  • Marketplace: An innovative platform to enable reuse of skills created by experts in specific areas. Share your experience and benefit from other’s skills to fast track your automation journey.