Image Control

This activity allows you to capture image and perform actions on the captured image.

Using Image Control

1.    In the Canvas Tools pane, click Image to expand the tool and view the associated activities.

2.    Drag the Image Control activity and drop on to the Flowchart designer area on the Canvas.



3.    Click Capture Image/Browse Local Image to perform actions on the captured image as per your business requirement.

Click Capture Image and select the rectangular image area from the application in focus. The last focused application is captured in capture image.

Click Browse Local Image to browse and attach the image from the local machine.

Additionally, you can use the (Recapture Image) icon and the (Delete) icon in the image activity to recapture or delete the image. These icons are displayed once the image is captured in the activity window.

4.    Click the (Settings) icon. The Control Image Configuration window appears.



·       Error Tolerance: Maximum acceptable error tolerance in the image matching while performing the image search during execution.

·       Offset: They are coordinates of the reference point selected during image capture with respect to the image. If required, alter the offset coordinates and save them from this screen.

·       CANCEL: Click CANCEL to cancel the changes.

·       SAVE: Click SAVE to save the changes.

5.    Double-click Control Image Activity and click ADD. The interaction appears to configure the control behavior.



6.    Click the (Settings) icon. The Control Behavior window appears.



·       In the Action list, select the action. Refer image control field description table to know more about actions and its details.



You can add multiple interaction on the captured image. To add multiple interaction, click ADD and then click the (Settings) icon to select the action.


Image Control Field Descriptions

The properties of Image Control fields are listed in the following table:



Control Behavior


Actions that can be performed on the image based application. Available options are:

·       Wait Until Exists - Waits till the image is found on the web page and is in focus. You can use this to avoid any delay that might occur for the image to appear. This interaction returns a Boolean value of true if the image is found and false if the image is not found. The Boolean value can be set to a variable and checked in a conditional statement to perform an appropriate action after finding the image.

·       Wait Until Disappears - Waits until the image disappears from the web page. You can use this to avoid delay that might occur for the image to disappear. This interaction returns a Boolean value of true if the image is not found and false if it is found. The Boolean value can be set to a variable and checked in a conditional statement to perform an appropriate action after finding the image.

·       Wait Until Clicked - Waits until the image is clicked. This interaction returns a Boolean value of true if the image is clicked and false if the image is not clicked. The Boolean value can be set to a variable and checked in a conditional statement to perform an appropriate action after finding the image.

·       Click And Type - Allows to left click at the required area and provide the input value. Set a default value or pass the value using parameter defined in the Parameter bar.

·       Left Click - Performs a left click specified at the offset point.

·       Right Click - Performs a right click at the specified offset point.

·       Left Double Click - Performs a left double click at the specified offset point.

·       Right Double Click - Performs a right double click at the specified offset point.

·       Mouse Over - Moves mouse pointer over the area at the specified offset point.

·       Drag - Moves the draggable image based upon the mentioned vertical and horizontal coordinates.

·       Horizontal Scroll - Searches for the image towards either right or left direction based on the speed of the scroll as per the option selected in the Scroll Direction and Scroll Action fields respectively.

·       Vertical Scroll - Searches for the image in the upward or downward direction based on the speed of the scroll as per the option selected in the Scroll Direction and Scroll Action fields respectively.

·       Type Text - Allows entering the text where the cursor is present on the page. Set a default value or pass the value using parameter defined in the Parameter bar.

·       Press Keys - Performs press action for the specified key. Apply modifiers like Control, Shift, Alt before the key press as specified in the fields Modifier One and Modifier Two.

·       Key Down - Performs press of a single key specified on the keyboard.

·       Key Up - Brings the pressed key back to normal position. It must be performed after the Key Down action to release the pressed key.


The corresponding interaction set against the selected action.

Appears if Action selected is Wait Until Exists, Wait Until Disappears or Wait Until Clicked.

Timeout (ms)

The wait time for the plugin until image is found or identified that it does not exists.

Poll Frequency (ms)

The frequency of checking the availability of the image and if the system is ready for the next action.

Appears if Action selected is Click And Type.

Input Source

The input value that must be entered. You must define a parameter in the Parameter bar to use this option.

Select the check box beside Input Source and enter the value, if you want to set a default value.

Appears if Action selected is Drag.

Drag X

The vertical drag performed on the application window to drag the draggable image. The value must be entered in pixels.

Drag Y

The horizontal drag performed on the application window to drag the draggable image. The value must be entered in pixels.

Appears if Action selected is Horizontal Scroll or Vertical Scroll.

Scroll Amount

The scroll speed (set in pixels) for each movement while searching for the image in the specified scrollable area.

Scroll Direction

The direction of scroll for searching the image.

Available options for Horizontal Scroll are Left and Right and for Vertical Scrolls are Up and Down.

Appears if Action selected is Type Text.

Delay in Character (ms)

Triggers the delay when there is typing lag from the keyboard.

Input Source

The input value that must be entered. You must define a parameter in the Parameter bar to use this option.

Select the check box beside Input Source and enter the value, if you want to set a default value.

Appears if Action selected is Press Keys.


The single key set as input from the keyboard.

Modifier One

Select the first modifier to create the key combination. Available options are - Control, Shift, Alt and Win (Windows) keys of the keyboard.

Modifier Two

Select the second modifier to create the key combination. Available options are- Control, Shift, Alt and Win (Windows) keys of the keyboard.

Appears if Action selected is Key Down or Key Up.


The single key set as input from the keyboard.


Appears if Action selected is Wait Until Exists or Wait Until Disappears.

Variable Name

User defined name of the variable that stores the captured value. This field appears only for some of the selected actions.


Image Control Properties

The properties of Image Control activity are listed in the following table and can be edited in the Properties grid on the right pane.

Property Name


Control Execution

Ignore Error

When this option is set to Yes, the application ignores any error while executing the activity.

If set to NA, it bypasses the exception (if any) to let the automation flow continue; however, it marks the automation status as failure, in case of an exception.

By default, this option is set to No.


Wait After (ms)

Specify the time delay that must occur after the activity is executed. The value must be in milliseconds.

Wait Before (ms)

Specify the time delay that must occur before the activity is executed. The value must be in milliseconds.



Select this option to mark this activity as the pause point while debugging the process. At this point, the process freezes during execution allowing you to examine if the process is functioning as expected.

In large or complex processes, breakpoints help in identifying the error, if any.


Select this option to mark this activity as inactive in the entire process. When an activity is commented, it is ignored during the process execution.


This property is used internally by the activities. No action required.


The display name of the activity in the flowchart designer area. By default, the name is set as Control Image. You can change the name as required.

Use Fuzzy Matching

Select this option to turn fuzzy matching of the image. This matching ignores the aspect ratio, background color and resolution change. Use this flag, when basic image matching fails


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