

  • Citrix process Setup Up environment failing: Check user download folder if it has latest download ICA file, every setup environment will download ICA. If the ICA file corresponding to a setup environment is not there, then either user has entered invalid credentials or it’s a connectivity issue to Citrix server machine (Use web-based URL to check connectivity.)
  • Citrix perform automation is failing: If setup environment is successful and only perform automation is failing, then mostly it is not Citrix virtual channel issue. Either the user has not mapped the input-output argument correctly or it is plugin-specific issue, check Citrix runtime logs for more detail.
  • To Enable the virtual channel console, set CtxEnableConsole to true in the config file.
  • For debugging purpose user can Enable different types of logs.


Log Type

Config File Location

Log File location

Client-side AssistEdge citrix service

CtxService.exe.config file in installation folder.


Citrix driver logs


If this is not present in this location, the user can copy it from the installation folder to the above location

To enable logging set LoggingEnabled=true and give a valid file path LogFilePath=D:\\vd.log. If the file path is not specified, the driver may crash. Users should enable this logging with utmost care and should be turned off after use.

Citrix Driver installer

CtxDriverInstaller.exe.config in the installation folder.


Fetch Citrix transaction logs

Set CtxFetchTxnLog to true in Automation Studio.exe.config /RoboSE.exe.config





Client-side AssistEdge citrix service

CtxService.exe.config file in installation folder.



  •  Unnecessary logging can have a performance impact.
    • Server Side
  1. Make sure the following components are always up and running: Machine in which DB is installed, Citrix side Control Tower.
  2. Use AutoServiceClient to debug a process locally at the citrix server.
  3. Match the following property values in AssistCtxRtm.exe.config and Automation Studio.exe.config.

If they are correct



  1. User can enable debug logs from AssistCtxRtm.exe.config file. These logs are placed at location: %LOCALAPPDATA%\EdgeVerve\AssistCtxRuntime*\Logs
  • First -ime Setup
  1. If the user is not able to perform the setup environment for the first time itself. Then possible issues can be:
    1. Not clicking Yes on the UAC pop-up.
    2. VC++ runtime is not installed in the client machine.
  2. UAC pop-up comes for the first time only for setting up Citrix driver.
    1. For the 32-bit machine driver, DLL is placed at “C:\Program Files\Citrix\ICA Client” folder and for the 64-bit machine it is placed at “C:\Program Files(x86)\Citrix\ICA Client” folder.
    2. For 32-bit machine registry file is updated at location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >SOFTWARE >Citrix > ICA Client > Engine > Configuration >Advanced > Modules. For 64-bit machine registry file is updated at location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Wow6432Node - > Citrix -> ICA Client -> Engine ->Configuration -> Advanced -> Modules. Below screenshots shows the changes being made. A new key EVAE is created and below shown values are added.

      EVAE value is appended against VirtualDriver.