AE RPA Commands

AssistEdge comes with various command options to start, stop, get status of a component, enable-disable or update a service such as SSL. The commands are not case sensitive. The entry point of all the commands supported is ae. 

Run the commands with Administrators right if you are using the Windows based system. ‘for Linux no special privilege is required.

These commands are applicable for server-side components and Proctor only.

Below is the list of various commands available:

AE Command     Syntax    Description

Generic Usage Commands

HELP ae help<Enter>8     Lists all the options available in AE Command.
INSTALL  ae install <component name><Enter>8 Installs the components of AssistEdge.
UNINSTALL  ae uninstall <Enter>8 Uninstalls all the component of AssistEdge. Stop all the component of the AE before running this command
START ae start <component name><Enter>8
  • Starts the component of AssistEdge. For example,

ae start messaging<Enter>8
ae start txnstore<Enter>8
ae start etl<Enter>8
ae start reporting<Enter>8
ae start controltower<Enter>8
ae start ml<Enter>8
ae start lowcode<Enter>8


  • A profile can also be used with the ae start command mentioned. By default, two profiles are available- dev and default. Syntax for the profile is

ae start - - profile <profile name><Enter>

For example, ae start - -profile dev

STARTALL ae startall<Enter>8 Starts all the components of AssistEdge if all of them are installed on the same system.
STATUS/ STATUSALL ae status<Enter>8 Checks the status of the component of AssistEdge.
STOP ae stop <component name><Enter>8

Stops the component of AssistEdge.

ae stop messaging<Enter>8
ae stop txnstore<Enter>8
ae stop etl<Enter>8
ae stop reporting<Enter>8
ae stop controltower<Enter>8
ae stop ml<Enter>8
ae stop lowcode<Enter>8

STOPALL ae stopall<Enter>8 Stops all the components of AssistEdge if all of them are installed on the same system.

Patch Commands

UPGRADE ae upgrade <patch number><Enter>8 Upgrades current release to the patch.
ROLLBACK ae rollback <patch number><Enter>8 Rolls back the application to the previous version/patch.
UPGRADE DB ae upgrade-db<Enter>8 Upgrade Database changes.
UPGRADE TXN ae upgrade-txn<Enter>8 Reindex elasticsearch data.
Database creation Commands
CREATEDB ae createdb><Enter>8 Create AssistEdge database and user.
CREATEDBTABLES ae createdbtables><Enter>8 Create AssistEdge database objects in existing database.
ADDSUPERADMIN ae addsuperadmin><Enter>8 Add Super Admin user to database.
DBCREATEQUERY ae dbcreatequery><Enter>8 It will print required queries for DB and User creation.
UPDATEPASSWORD ae updatepassword <Enter>8 Updates the current password to a new password provided by the user. It is valid only for the database component.

Certificate Commands

CERT CSR  ae cert csr<Enter>8 Generate CSR and key based on the details entered.
ENABLESSL  ae enableSSL<Enter>8 Enables SSL on a https installation.
DISBALESSL ae disableSSL<Enter>8 Disables SSL on a https installation.
CERT UPDATE ae cert update<Enter>8 Removes old certificates and install new certificate.
CERT INFO ae cert info<Enter>8 Displays certificate information for verification and debugging.

Backup and Diagnostic/Check Commands

BACKUPCONFIG ae backupconfig<Enter>8 Creates a backup of current configuration files.
RESTORECONFIG ae restoreconfig<Enter>8 Restores configuration files from the backup taken.
DIAGNOSTIC ae diagnostic<Enter>8 Allows rapid collection of diagnostic information from the server. Possible options are:
  • Configuration
  • Logs
  • Both
PORT-CHECK ae port-check <machine name:port><Enter>8 Checks the port connection from current system to specified machine and port.

Component Specific Commands  

ELASTIC ae elastic<sub command><Enter>8 Creates backup and restores open distro data. Below are the respective commands:
  • ae elastic head [port]<Enter>8
  • ae elastic backup<Enter>8
  • ae elastic restore<Enter>8
  • ae elastic createrepo<Enter>8
  • ae elastic listrepo<Enter>8
  • ae elastic deleterepo<Enter>8
  • ae elastic action [action file]<Enter>8
Use ae help elastic<Enter>8  elastic to know more about the above commends.
NETWORKDRIVE ae networkdrive<sub command><Enter>8 Displays mapped network drives, mounts and unmounts them
  • ae networkdrive listt<Enter>8
  • ae networkdrive mount<Enter>8
  • ae networkdrive unmount <Enter>8
SCAN-CHANGES ae scan-changes<Enter>8 Scans AssistEdge directory for any changes to binaries or configuration.
RabbitMQ ae rabbitmq<Enter>8 Adds an administrative user to the RabbitMQ component of AsssitEdge.
ADVANCED ae advanced<Enter>8 Customizes the source for salt and key used for encryption of application credentials.
UPDATEKEK ae updatekek<Enter>8 Updates the value of the KEK utility.